Accuracy of the App

Started by Private on Sunday, November 18, 2018
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11/18/2018 at 5:49 PM

It's a well known fact that users of this app constantly act like it's the be all and end all to the research of their trees.
Being a mobile phone genealogist isn't fun, and it's not a good look but many people don't have access to computers - so how do we combat this?

Private User
1/28/2019 at 10:45 AM

I think, buying a Computer - is not a problems anymore - tons of used, very affordable Computers exists & sells everywhere... anyone able to afford it.

For me - Mobile Phone - is a tool - to Demo my Lineage - on the Go - to someone i meet - on the road, at event etc - to quickly show my lineage or connection, its not a research tool for me - using only for the demo...

1/28/2019 at 4:22 PM

Well not Geni itself, btu the we're related app - but i am not sure where you're coming frmo on this.

the accuracy of ancestry' we're related app was wildly tested until finally ancestry came out and said "We're no longer going to support this" and pulled it out of the app stores, despite it still working for some.

1/26/2021 at 8:21 AM

It still works for some???????

1/26/2021 at 8:28 AM

Nm you wrote this a long time ago, figures
However just to let you know the website Geneanet if you have a tree up has given me similar results and shows you how and I like it alot
Not as many but is the closest I have seen
I hate relative finder and with people being able to change your tree whenever they like I steer clear of FS
I also am in school at BYU to be a professional genealogist so they really push using FS and I just don't like it
For instance Relative Finder says thru many trees I am related to a celebrity as a 9th cousin when they are actually a 5th cousin. I know part of the problem is I have to manually ass my whole tree which would take years since I can't add a gedcom but also it populates celebrities from other trees and most are wrong that I've tried to verify.
Also I have ALOT of celebrities in my tree already on Ancestry and it hasn't even calculated them yet and should have with the ancestors I do have on my FS tree that is there but Oh well
Check out Geneanet for sure

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