Mary Alice Slone (Sizemore) - Jewish?

Started by Katrinia F. Rankin on Wednesday, December 12, 2018
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I wonder if Granny Alice was possibly Jewish?? Her children have Jewish names. Thoughts?

I do recall reading an article (actually more than one) that theoretically claim Sephardic Jew being part of the origin/DNA on many of the "Melungeon" tribe families. Proving it is a different story.

Hate to use that Melungeon term (a generalization) as there are many different "mixed" blood tribes that loosely fall into that category. Sizemore family are probably the most infamous bunch, but there are Bolling (Boling, Bowling), Goins (Goings), Collins and other not so common surnames. The Saponi, and another group from Highland county OH that I can't recall the name of (Carmel Indians?) and the list goes on.

Just "Google" Melungeon, Sephardic Jew" and you will get more hits than you can read.... It is a great history lesson for us "mixed breed" Appalachians.

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