Mordechai Shapiro - Is there a source for this Mordechai being both the son of Shalom and Pinchas?

Started by Private User on Sunday, January 27, 2019
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There was a Mordechai of Pinczow who was the father of @Israel Joachim Pinczower and the son of Shalom.

There was a Mordechai of Pinczow who had a brother @Avraham Aba Shapiro and was the son of Pinchas Shapiro.

Is there a source for these Mordechais being the same person and the father being Shalom Pinchas?

Maybe there were two. One the son of Shalom and one the son of Pinchas.

Sometimes the @ doesn't work

Hello from New York, So nice to hear from the family in Australia. I wanted to know if the family tree in Toras Imecha you found to be correct, or would you suggest any changes?
Kenneth Ephraim Pinczower

It is a fine sefer - all the way from ezer kenegdo to corn pops out of the succah

The family tree in the sefer assumes what I'm trying to check. In our family tree we have the father of Mordechai of Pinczow as Shalom. But we were not aware of a brother Avraham Abba or a father Pinchas or a Shalom Pinchas

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