Please add this profile to this project.

Started by Private on Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Showing all 4 posts
2/19/2019 at 9:07 AM
2/19/2019 at 10:10 AM

Joined project, as opposed to just following, so I will be able to add the profile of Francis Hatten.

2/19/2019 at 11:05 AM


11/23/2021 at 8:20 AM

Comparing Kit F999919 (Clovis Montana 12.5ky) [GEDmatch Xfer] and Kit RL048381C1 (Debbie Gambrell) [Combined]

Minimum segment threshold size to be included in total = 50 SNPs
Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 3.0 cM
Mismatch-bunching Limit will be adjusted dynamically to 60 percent of the segment threshold size for any given segment.

Chr B37 Start Pos'n B37 End Pos'n Centimorgans (cM) SNPs
2 169,751,556 171,386,177 3.2 502
3 192,113,063 193,697,644 4.1 310
10 99,574,757 102,802,570 3.1 774
12 106,047,758 107,758,017 3.1 396
17 14,185,148 14,818,140 3.6 307
20 6,688,405 8,297,313 4.2 459
22 37,010,867 37,649,494 3.4 239

Largest segment = 4.2 cM

Total Half-Match segments (HIR) 24.6cM (0.686 Pct)

7 shared segments found for this comparison.

619874 SNPs used for this comparison.

51.971 Pct SNPs are full identical

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