Alexandra Bogorad - Даты рождения Шуры и Фиры Богорад (Shura and Fira Bogorad's dates of birth)

Started by Private User on Thursday, September 5, 2019
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Private User
9/5/2019 at 12:16 PM

Недавно были добавлены несколько официальных документов где записаны даты рождения Шуры и Фиры ("Эсоирь") Богорад ( Alexandra Bogorad и Esfir Maseeva ):

По нашем записям, даты более ранние чем по этим документам:

Вопрос - какие правилные даты, и как объяснить разницу?
Мама сказала что может быть их зарегистрировали не сразу.


Recently some official documents were added that indicate Shura and Fira ("Esoir") Bogorad's birth dates. Our family records indicate earlier dates (all documents linked above). Which dates are correct, and how can the difference be explained? Mom suggested that maybe they weren't registered as soon as they were born.

Private User
9/6/2019 at 8:44 AM

Grandpa Isaac-Avsey Zalmanovich Bogorad was born in 1918 in Vitebsk. Fira and Shura were born earlier. So it's possible that Fira and Shura were actually born in Belarus, and were only registered in Saint-Petersburg later, when the family moved there. That might explain the discrepancy in their registered dates of birth.

But it's also possible the family moved there one sibling at a time. Mom said that maybe her grandma ( Mara Evseevna Bogorad ) moved back to Vitebsk temporarily before Isaac's birth, to avoid the post-revolution turmoil.

Private User
9/6/2019 at 8:46 AM

(by Dmitry Gamayunov)

RE: “So it's possible that Fira and Shura were actually born in Belarus, and were only registered in Saint-Petersburg later” – 2 different books in archives (one 1912 book and the other 1916), so I think the records were made on the dates mentioned in the records. Now, the question that comes up is how likely that they both were registered late on 2 different occasions? One thing that did happen during those years is that people added years to themselves for various reasons (e.g. to start work and be paid).

Private User
9/6/2019 at 8:53 AM

Good question. A counter question: why add years to children, and why do it on the back of a photo - ?

I would expect the family knew the correct ages at the time of the photo. The official records suggest a younger, not older Fira and Shura.

(There is also a mismatch in the age difference: 1916-1912 = 4 years, but 19-17.5 = 1.5 years.)

Private User
9/6/2019 at 8:56 AM

(Sorry, 19.5 - 17. Still 2.5, not 4)

Private User
9/6/2019 at 5:47 PM

According to the documents, the age difference between Shura and Fira is almost exactly 4 years as both of them were born in May (Shura in 1916 and Fira in 1912).
According to the note on the back of the photo that was taken in May 1931, the age difference is 2.5 years.
Questions: did Shura have a reason in 1931 (or earlier) to say that she was 2 years older than she was? Where does another 6 months difference come from? Can it be just a mistake on the back of the photo?

Private User
9/7/2019 at 3:39 AM

If Shura wanted to claim she was older, why do that on the back of a family photo? No one other than family would look there, and the family must have known her real age anyway. For the same reason, it's less likely that the photo inscription is wrong.

I've received a detailed reply from the relatives. Will post it here later.

Private User
9/7/2019 at 7:15 AM

Re-uploaded document #5 with phone numbers and addresses blurred out for privacy reasons -

(5-ий документ с редактированными телефонами и адресами.)

Private User
9/7/2019 at 9:37 AM

Ida Ioffe's (Fira's daugher's) full reply:
confirms Fira's birth date as 09/01/1911, and Shura's as 22/05/1914. But also confirms that they are listed differently in official documents.

Gregory Belinsky (Shura's son) has also confirmed her birth year as 1914. My guess is in the photo (document 4), her age was rounded up by a few weeks.


Письмо от Иды Йоффе (дочь Фиры) - - подтверждает даты рождения Фиры и Шуры, но также что их даты записаны по-другому в документах.

Гриша Белинский (сын Шуры) тоже подтвердил что ее год рождения 1914. Наверно на фотографие ее возраст округлили вверх на несколько недель.

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