Benjamin Bucher - Cora Eliza Bucher Daughter of Benjamin and Maria Sherer Bucher

Started by Janice Blackburn Sawitoski on Saturday, November 16, 2019
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11/16/2019 at 11:38 AM

I just was looking the family line for Benjamin and that my Grandmother Cora Eliza Bucher is missing from the list. Cora was Born on January 30, 1986 and passed away on Oct. 8, 1962.
Cora was married to my Grandfather George Lewis Payne Blackburn on March 31, 1909 and they had 2 boys (Twins) Gerald and George(Gerald Raymond being my Father) on June 7, 1911. Not sure how long they were married I do know that Grandpa lived with us for some years in Minnesota and is buried in Nicolette, Minnesota. She was then married to John Clark December 11, 1922 and he passed away and she then Married Lou Scott.

I do hope that Cora is added to the family tree for us.

Thank you

Janice Blackburn Sawitoski

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