Alisa Sharon (Stern) - @Josef Eliezer Deutsch

Started by Meir Deutsch on Thursday, November 28, 2019
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11/28/2019 at 4:23 AM

You changed his birth place to Mattersburg. That is the name today, but when he was born it was Mattersdorf. Blease cancel your revision.

11/28/2019 at 4:38 AM

Alisa has nothing to do with the change. I already undo it. Best.

11/28/2019 at 5:18 AM

Emil - I thought the accepted practice was to use CURRENT names of all locations because if anyone wanted to go to the place listed - they could never get there because it does not exist. Then to put the original name in a note in the About Section with the explanation ....

11/28/2019 at 6:11 AM

I use example: Born: in Dabas (Dabotz, Gyón, Alsódabas, Felsödabas, Sári), Pest county, Hungary.

Dabas is current name (also known as in languages used for the profile Dabotz =in German, Gyón, Alsódabas, Felsödabas, Sári =all in Hungarian)

Private User
11/28/2019 at 7:25 AM

I have no idea who this person is. He is not in my tree,

My name is Elise, not Alisa.

Private User
11/28/2019 at 12:53 PM

Hello Meir
I didn't physically changed the birthplace for Josef Eliezer Deutsch, other than probably 'confirming a match'. The entry in Geni Tree reads...
"Birth: 01 February 1895
Mattersdorf, Mattersburg, Mattersburg, Burgenland, Austria"
which may be appropriate.
Best wishes - Nich

12/2/2019 at 4:53 AM

@ Richard,
I do think that the name of places should be as they were at that time (birth, marriage & burial) followed by their current names. This is the best way to find the original records. My mother was born in Guta, married in Guta, that is how it appears in the original documents. Today Guta is Kolarovo. She was born when it was part of Hungary in the dual Monarchy, afterwards Czechoslovakia, Hungary, again Czechoslovakia, and now Slovakia.
If one wants to visit a place that changed names, let him ask GOOGLE. I think that GENI is keeper of records, not a travel agent.

I think that one should use the GENERAL name, as recorded in one's birth certificate, followed by the Hebrew names. The same reason as the place names; records are usually in that name. On Jewish tombstones you have mostly only the Hebrew names.

Do you agree?

Have a look at HOTZENPLOTZ which was part of the SUDETENLAND and annexed to Germany in the Munich agreement. It is now Osoblaha (Czech Republic) German: Hotzenplotz; Yiddish: האָצ׳פּלאָץ‎ (Hotz'plotz).

I am sure that people are more familiar with DANZIG than GDANSK.

Private User
12/2/2019 at 5:36 AM

Both names should be used. Someone had changed my part of the family tree to reflect current names. I was not happy. Both location names should be used.

Private User
12/2/2019 at 12:16 PM

@ Richard
I agree with Meir Deutsch -- that names and places should be noted as they appeared at the time the person lived. This makes it possible to find them in secular records. The genealogical convention of giving place names as they now appear is poorly conceived. It robs people of their cultural heritage. My deceased Dad was born in Königsberg, Germany, and he would be outraged if I listed his birthplace as Kaliningrad, Russia.

12/2/2019 at 4:07 PM

Private User -- I agree and that is what most of us who are regulars on Geni do.

I use the Jewish Gen location information to put in the town name, district and province as it was at the time my ancestors lived there.

12/4/2019 at 9:50 AM

@Alisa Sharon @Carole Vogel (Garbuny)

Someone changed my mother's birth place to: Galgaguta, Balassagyarmati, Nógrád County, Hungary. Who is CUSTOMER SERVICE that is authorized to make changes? Whom does he serve? I think that GENI will not be reliable anymore.
She was not born there. I even do not know where it is.
She was born in Guta Hungary of the Austria-Hungary Monarchy - today Kolarovo Slovakia.
GENI does not let me change it, as they have a new policy - YOU HAVE TO USE THEIR DESCRIPTION as, for instance; you cannot use Jerusalem, Israel but have to choose from their vocabulary:

єрусалим, Єрусалим, IL
Jerusalem, Jerusalem District, IL
Monroe County, Jerusalem, OH, US
דרך הר הזיתים , ירושלים

For Chicago IL, USA you get:
820 South Damen Avenue, Cook County, Chicago, IL, 60612, US
No plain CHICAGO IL, USA is available.

I think that GENI made a big mistake by changing it. Now we will have false names of places and GENI will not be reliable anymore.

How can we change that with GENI? They invested surely a lot to build up that nonsense.

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