Hooro Hiraina Whatlin (Whatarau) - Name changes

Started by Private User on Saturday, December 28, 2019
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  • Private User
    Geni member

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Private User
12/28/2019 at 12:39 PM

Cut and paste from "about" section. "she is not the daughter of Paurini, this has been added to my page. she from william watlin/whatling and Maraea Peti".

Geni is an open forum so people can change the details. It's a little frustrating but if details are explained in the discussion section it helps to see the overview and help all families to contribute from their whanau korero.

The details of Paurini Te Whatarau keep getting changed according to ones own whanau korero or library research. Paurini and William are possibly the same person or Maraea had two husbands William and Paurini (a.k.a Tauranga Moana, Whatarau I). If William Whatlin was Maraea Peti's 1st or 2nd marriage then he will need a his own profile to prevent further confusion. If it's suggested that they are the same man then his Profile page needs to maintain the name of origin. He's Tangata Whenua o Tauranga Moana. In Tauranga Moana he was known as Paurini Te Whatarau.

If making changes it would be useful to add note and source.

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