Pre 1600's to 1600's Indigenous American ancestry + Celtic settlers

Started by Miss. Joanne Elizabeth on Wednesday, July 8, 2020
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7/8/2020 at 12:59 PM


I am a proven descendant of Indigenous Americans. This fact was told to me as a child. As an adult, my Gedmatch data proves this story.

My linage is "old" and according to My True Ancestry and historical records relating to the settlement of Bedford County, Virginia in the 1600's. I may have other lines that colonized North America, but I am slowly working my way through my family trees, finding, adding, editing them constantly in order to provide the most accurate documentation I can. I am not saying my trees are without errors, but I aim not to have many or any.

My N. American origins are at this point unknown. Doucmentation from My True ancestry, Bedford County Virgina and and lines by marriage to Indigenous Americans point to an association with Algonquin Nations as possibly being the source of my Indigenous American Ancestry. At this point in time, I have a number of lines by marriage to Pocahontas but nothing at this point in time directly related to my actual ancestry.

I do not know if I am descended from any of the Algonquin Nations or not, but this is my best line of research at this point in time. Any assistance would be much appreciated.

Private User
7/8/2020 at 2:34 PM

We are related to Bruce. Give me you email and I can send you my relationship to Robert The Bruce and Pocahontas. Both are my grandparents way back.

Private User
7/8/2020 at 2:35 PM

I do not see how to show you here.

8/16/2020 at 5:43 PM

Brenda (and everyone)
To show a relationship path in a discussion (such as this) the easiest method is to:

a) go to the profile of interest (e.g. Bruce or Pocahontas) .. NOT Tree View, but the full "Profile View".

b) if a relationship path is not already showing at the top, click the button to have Geni "find" the relationship.
-- if it doesn't find one, then you may need to "walk up" your branch to find the missing or mis-connected place(s).

c) once that profile shows a "path" to you, click on the "share this patch" (do not "copy & paste the textual details of that path ... way too cluttered!!).

d) that "share" will open a new page/window. Copy the URL from the browser, and paste that URL in the discussion. Then anyone can click on it to see the details of your "path/relationship".

Here is my path, as an example:

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