Catalina Josefa Maria Rita Palacios Xerez de Aristeguieta - wrong entry

Started by Alberto Enrique Aristeguieta on Tuesday, July 21, 2020
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7/21/2020 at 6:54 AM

Catalina Josefa Maria Rita Palacios Xerez de Aristeguieta was not the wife of Gregor MacGregor, his wife was Josefa Antonia Andrea Aristeguieta y Lovera .

Catalina Josefa was born in 1738 and died in Caracas at the age of 63, on Feb. 01, 1801, without descendents.

Josefa Antonia was born in 1795 and died in Edimburg, on may 4,1838.
The image is that of Josefa Andrea. Siblins and parents information is accurate, but not that of birth and death dates, nor husband and offsprings.
See page 46 of this book:

Private User
7/26/2020 at 4:43 PM

Hola Alberto acá el link a la dispensa la que no aclara porque si era solo LOVERA... luego muchos autores le dan el Aristeguieta. Habrá que buscar si existe algún reconocimiento o testamento postumo del padre

7/27/2020 at 8:53 AM

Catalina Josefa y Josefa Antonia son dos personas distintas nacidas con una generación de diferencia.
Catalina Josefa muere en 1801 y MacGregor se casa en 1812. Imposible que haya sido con Catalina Josefa.

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