הגביר מוהר"ר נפתלי צבי(הירש)פאסס,פרנס ומנהיג בקראקא - Wrong merge of two different people

Started by Netanel Isaiah Frisch on Thursday, December 24, 2020
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12/24/2020 at 2:37 AM

There was two Naftali hirsch. The first was son of Petachia of Prague, he lived there, married Telza Katzenellenbogen, was scribe, died 1601.
The second was Parnas in Krakow and quoted in Pinkas Hakahal of Krakow in 1632.
Malka Mysels
Yigal Burstein

12/26/2020 at 4:41 AM

Hello. I believe the Naftali Hirsch in my tree was the first ascribed in your note from Prague and married to a Karzenellenbogon. My threads have taken me back to the years 103 of the Common Era. I need hire a professional because I am descended from two rabbinical dynasties that intertwine down through history and it begins with my great grandfather of the Jaffee arranged to Sarah Menkin. The Vilna Gaon was my 8 th great grandfather so the arranged marriage between Sarah Menkin and Rabbi Jaffee is a dynasty mixing. I have thousands of famous rabbis that connect into the threads. Lots of Rabbi Askenazis, Rashi is like Ann 18th great grandfather as well as three Gaons, chief rabbis of capital cities and countries. It gets incredibly confusing as centuries pass and arranged marriages between great rabbis were made. There are Naftalies and Hirsch mixes early on threads all over the place. Thankfully, there is also documentation of all of it that just has to be put in proper lines and countries. I’ve been working on this for over 25 years. There are times my head wants to explode. I’ve had calls from all over the world and a few wanted to arrange shidochs ( forgive my spelling please). I carry great responsibility. My immediate family’s written in large tomes currently kept current on my tree thankfully, but the further back I follow (1500’s back) the threads get confused. Tsvi Hirsch is on several threads. Could be one or more and could be both you ask about. The journey is long and complicated as many were named after my famously revered family members. Ancient tombstones read of very far removed touches to my great great great, etc, grandfathers. When I can consider Rashi on the high end of my tree, you can only imagine what goes on with the earlier direct family. So, long story short, there are twists and turns that I know have to have mistakes along the way. Be safe and be well.
Laurie Ann Janov Williams Richmond Virginia area USA

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