Deliverance Crispe (Mansell) - Calling for a CURATOR please... This profile has become conflated

Started by Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 on Wednesday, February 17, 2021
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I missed one

Son of Jonathan Crispe;
Johnathan Crisp;
Jonathan Crispe;

Lydia Deliverance (Crispe / Pease) Mansell;
Deliverance Crisp;
Lydia Deliverance Crispe;
Deliverance Crisp and
Lydia Pease « less

Erica Howton, Private User and Private User and Erin Ishimoticha are managers on William “Mansell” Crisp, Sr. 's profile.

William Longley, II and wives Lydia Longley and Deliverance Longley are all curated so that means these need removed from this Deliverance and profiles also MP'd and locked

Sorry, been in meetings on Zoom all afternoon. Not sure I know where to start. I do believe that a curator will have to sort this. I don't think making a new profile will work for any, but clean up can. I'd just started a project with one of my Skipper lines, but if I can help, I will. I think this statement is correct:

"William Longley, II and wives Lydia Longley and Deliverance Longley are all curated so that means these need removed from this Deliverance and profiles also MP'd and locked." But, I think more sources need to be found. Pox on profiles with nothing on them.

Susanne Floyd, just saying that the Longley spouses are settled and the ones for my Crisp are muddy so need fixin' :P

Yeah Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087. I am sure it will get sorted. I just wish that I had had both bunches MPd from the start. I should have.

We are all just one gedcom upload from disaster...
Why I try to update my Ancestry tree with Geni proved lines and make not of my DNA confirmeds... No one touches my Ancestry tree and without Geni it would be a mess too...

Love this!

Zachariah Crispe

Indicted for murder but acquitted.

Homicide: Dorothy Jones, Maurice Bret, Zekariah Crispe m. Edward Levis
Weapon: Hit over the head with a quart pot & died 24 hours later.
Relation: Household Boarder by Boarder
Court Term: 9/1675
Increase Mather, “Diary,” in Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, ser. 2, 13 (1899-1900), 340-374, 398-411.

CAS DRO in MA (400-1): 9/14/1675: the ferry boat coming from Charlestown sank in the midst of the river. 14 passengers & 3 horses on board. John Shadock of Watertown was drowned. “He had been wonderfully preserved in the fight w ye Indians when Capt Beers was killed. It is said that just before this evil befel him, he had been in ye Tavern inveighing against the Magistrates & that he was in drink when drowned. In the same boat Crisp was a passanger, who was lately tryed on [ ] suspicion in respect of the Murder committed in the winter. not evidence enough to take away his life. He was bid not to go into the boat because of the danger, but he derided saying He yt was born to be hanged, will never be drowned, & he was not drowned, though in such guilt. It is to be feared yt at last hanging may be his Portion.”

I can’t find a death date for him.

Oh, my!

I love it too! Sounds like some of my relatives!

Hubby's 7th great uncle per the Geni... the link on the profile that says "has errors" mentions some of the same issues...

I have so neglected his tree that I have not cemented them in his tree... We did DNA in 2017 and I went full bore on my line :'(

Adding some to his media tab

Oh, it is def him as it mentions the partner and illegitimate child... but mentions Deliverance and Longley so is the other Crisps?

Calls him Zachariah and says he "served in King Philip's War" ... so he would have been alive in 1678

If my husband's line is incorrect, I have no problem with that.... But Sealy Bullock is solid.

Erica Howton, did Lydia (Pease) marry Jonathan Crisp?

Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 You need to give me more time - family emergency.

Absolutely, Erica Howton

Showing 31-60 of 92 posts

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