Marie Höffner (Gysing) - @Marie Höffner is my fourth great grandmother

Started by Joan Karin Marcussen on Sunday, March 14, 2021
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3/14/2021 at 1:58 AM

I like a discussion about private profiles, please:

My fourth great grandmother....

In Denmark it is the 3.Tip oldemor, and it feels like very private if the same persons stalke`s all your family profiles with their names.

I gladely let them be on all other profiles, but my 3.Tip I like to be first administrator of (or another 3.great grandson/daughter)... Thank you!

Best regards
Joan M

Private User
10/5/2022 at 1:41 PM

Hi Joan,
This is not a private profile. Your 4th great grandmother is not "within your maximum family range", so you must tolerate that others who "have a legitimate interest in the profile" edit and revise the profile.
May I ask you why you think you have the right to delete 3 links to churchbook records that I hsve sdded?
I don't think that the question of whether her last name is Gysing, Gyesen, Gydesen or Gysens is more important than links to baptism, marriage, death and burial.
So please, don't remove my information.
Kirsten Kiilerich

8/16/2023 at 1:12 PM

Hi Kirsten,

Jeg tror ikke på at du kun ændrer i offentlige profiler !!! Du ændrer fordi du kan og vil vise at du KAN !

Du får curator Anette Boye til at lukke mine private profiler op. Se en anden diskussion jeg har dd!

Hvorfor har du brug for at ændre i mange af min nære og private profiler ???

Det er vist ikke en fejl Kirsten (?) . Hvilket motiv har du til at ændre mine tekster og fotos i mine private nære profiler ???

Joan Marcussen

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