Frances Graves (Kemper) - There is something wrong going on in my family tree!!!

Started by Jaime Howley on Monday, May 24, 2021
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5/24/2021 at 8:35 AM

@ Frances Kemper Graves b. 1816 is my 5X great grand mother, but someone has corrupted that line. I would have hoped that the closer relationship would super cede this clearly less direct collateral one. This new relationship line through my father is certainly far less close. My relation ship to Frances Kemper Graves is through my mother side. (Me to Lorna to Edith to Bertha to Mary Ellen Graves to Francis Kemper Graves). Frances is a greatgrand mother. There is certainly NO direct line of descent on my father's side because all of his relations came after 1848. 6 Great Grand parents were Irish and only 2 were English and they arrived after 1862. Other collateral relations may or may not be related, but that should not super cede my mother's obviously direct relationship line!!!

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