Fabrizio's from Monte San Giovanni Campano

Started by Private User on Thursday, June 17, 2021
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  • Private User
    Geni Pro
Private User
6/17/2021 at 9:22 AM

I'm at a dead-end with searching for my Fabrizio relatives in Italy (I have been able to trace my paternal great grandmother's Italian line - the Diorio's) My great grandfather was Marco Fabrizio and his immigration records to the US state that he was born 1890 in Monte San Giovanni Campano...I haven't been able to find any records of him from Italy. My grandfather was told that he was Sicilian...this doesn't jibe with the information I have found or what my DNA results say. My grandfather traveled to Italy (I'm not sure if he went to Monte San Giovanni as well or just Sicily) but he was told there was no records of Marco, his brother Guiseppe or their father Antonio (who is also a mystery). If anyone has any information or advice on what I should try next, please let me know!

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