Jonathan Tipton - Parents?

Started by Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 on Friday, July 9, 2021
Showing all 9 posts
7/9/2021 at 2:07 PM

Thank you

7/9/2021 at 2:33 PM

Jonathan Tipton, Il My 8th great-grandfather: I show his parents as being Edward Tipton I and Sarah Pearce.

7/10/2021 at 6:56 AM

I have no real evidence to support that, but I have the same thing. I think it showed up in here. Don't remember who posted it.

3/13/2022 at 2:09 PM

Evidence needed to support as son of Edward Tipton, Sr. & Amy Tipton

Disputed Origins

Several genealogists have come to the conclusion that Edward Tipton and Amy Phillips were the parents of Jonathan. This Edward was born about 1617 in Pontesbury, Shropshire, England. This might fit if we assume that Jonathan was born in 1639. However, there is no indication that this Edward and Amy ever came to America. However, their son, also named Edward, did come to America. This son was born 7 Nov 1650, and was 18 when he arrived in Maryland on the ship Friendship. He returned to England in 1700.[citation needed] There is no indication that Edward, Jr, went to Jamaica. While it might be possible that Jonathan was a brother to Edward, Jr, it is highly unlikely that he would be his son.

Charles D Tipton, in his book TIPTON The First Five American Generations, discusses several of the problems with this short obituary. One of the most telling is the fact that Jamaica was under Spanish control until it was conquered by Venable in 1655. It is unlikely that an English child was born in Jamaica prior to that time. Tipton says that 1659 is a much more likely date of birth.

Disputed Wife

Wikitree speculates that 2nd wife Mary was born Tindale and widow Chilcott. See

3/13/2022 at 4:48 PM

This is very interesting!
Is General Venables in Geni?
"British rule
Planters, buccaneers, and slaves
In 1655 a British expedition under Admiral Sir William Penn and General Robert Venables captured Jamaica and began expelling the Spanish, a task that was accomplished within five years."

3/13/2022 at 5:00 PM
3/13/2022 at 5:59 PM

Yes, that would be him.

3/14/2022 at 2:02 PM

Sorry, can't help. I have done NO research on that line. It is interesting, but I have nothing to contribute. Thanks for including me anyway.

I've used this site and several others that compare with each other to complete my Tipton family.

One day, I happened on a pension card for my grandfather not knowing ever who he was married to. This tiny little card, where Delilah Tipton Burns sought pension funds opened the door to profound links to our genealogy connecting us to the Washingtons, Ayletts, Ashtons, and the very thing everyone hopes for, the Kings and Queens. My father and mother were told but since they couldn't not prove it, and they did try their entire lives, suddenly the purging of information onto the internet confirmed what they were told as children.

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