Guillaume 'le Valet' de Saint-Maure - Guillaume IV and V de Saint MAure / Saint-MAure / St. Maur

Started by Stephen M Clauser on Friday, July 16, 2021
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7/16/2021 at 1:32 PM

Agnes de Thoars is showing two spouses, one of whom is Guillaume de Saint-MAURE, C. 1255-1300. Her daughter Alix c1272-) is the spouse of Guillaume V de Saint-MAure (-1300), who is the son of Guillaume IV de Sainte Maure (c1255-1300). It seems possibly improbable that we have three Guillaume's who all died abt. 1300, one of whom married the mother and another of whom married the daughter. There seems to be no supporting documentation. Was this just picked up from several isolated Medlands entries?

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