David Oraff - Is David Conrad Oraff / Colson the same person as Taawet Konrad Köösel?

Started by Gaye Cairns (née Colson → Köösel) 🌸 on Monday, July 19, 2021

Is David Conrad Oraff / Colson the same person as Taawet Konrad Köösel?

My cousin, Jan Scott and I share DNA with many members of this branch of the family. We've been hunting for our paternal grandfather's Estonian family for many years and our DNA matches have drawn us to this conclusion. This is a guardedly, exciting breakthrough for us but further research and ongoing investigation are going to be required. All we really had was that Carl & Mary Oraff were his parents and that he had a lot of siblings.

I do not want to merge David Oraff with Taawet Konrad Köösel Taawet Köösel just yet though, in case it isn't accurate.

Any further information that anyone might have would be very welcomed indeed.

Thank you.

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