Joron Johannesson Sæland (Reiersdotter) - Consistency Check:

Started by Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 on Wednesday, September 15, 2021
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Consistency Check:Death date of Joron Johannesson Sæland (Reiersdotter) is after her burial date.

I have updated and corrected the profile, plus added a link to her burial in the profile.

As you can see, she is called "Joren Reiersen" when she was buried, that means her patronym Reiersdatter has been changed to a surname, as the tradition with patronyms started to fade away in the last part of the 17th century. What is also important to notice is that she still has her own surname and not that of her husband. I also attached a link to her baptism and corrected the date and spelling of her name.

Thank you for making notice of the error.

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