Geschichte und Schicksal der Essener Juden..... Gedenkbuch fur die judischen Mitburger der Stadt Essen von Dr Hermann Schroeter

Started by Eric Michael Elias on Wednesday, September 22, 2021
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9/22/2021 at 7:36 AM

What is going on?? Three duplicate versions of this Essen project and absolutely no activity...

This handbook runs to over 800pages of names and lists including all 1942 Izbica and Theresienstadt deportations.. Many many erudite biographies/ illustrations and much more

I think there is a need for Geni to organise monthly newsletters to active users so that we all become more active

I would have one family to add to this site but , for now, I see no point listing three names out of a possible known 5000

And for now I do not know how many people will get to see my questions today

9/23/2021 at 3:36 AM

Well, HELLO dear Eric!

And I did see your question/s yesterday but couldn't get round to replying till today.

- AGREE wit your points re. THREE Essen projects. Am wondering whether Curators & co. might be called upon to merge them into a single one or delete two ...?

- ALSO DEPLORE the lack of postings of profiles for such a major Jewish community.

- AND APPLAUD your fervour to APPEAL for ACTION!.

BUT - I just must point out that I, myself, am involved in numerous other projects and Essen is actually for me only one of the "incidental places" I've come to in research. Perhaps precisely YOU could be a major mover in adding to it?

The more you do (and attach posted people respectively), the more other GENI members might become aware at all of the existence of this "project" (N.B. your message here only goimg to those who already follow it, inevitably).*



*For example, I launched a particular pet project recently to which I've single-handedly added nearly 150 profiles of the circa 500 goal. So far, no one else has contributed but - I do have hope ... and, in the meantime, a sense of some satisfaction that at least I am doing it as I can ...

9/25/2021 at 12:56 AM


Thanks for replying. My outspoken and unexpected criticism tgoether with your letter of support
suggest to me that there is a lack of support somewhere within Geni and/or the outside community

Before I move on......another subject.. You and I are allegedly according to Geni 13th cousins once removed. An enormous Deutsch family tree going back to 1467 with no real detail and all the way back down again is hard to take seriously

I decline your invitation.. I declare here 100% of my interest in Essen. Three characters of the holocaust generation.. They are interesting and are respected on Geni pages for other projects

1)DORA SCHAUL My mothers cousin. Born Berlin Led a busy career in the resistance including working as spy in Gestapo Postal Depot in Lyon and revealing Klaus Barbie. After imprisonment settled in DDR with Hans Schaul. WIKIPEDIA.DE and important book she edited.

2 )ELSE DAVIDSOHN geb Rosener from Berlin. My mothers aunt Schlageterstrasse 55 Essen
Transported from Essen 22 April 1942 to Izbica

3) JULIUS DAVIDSOHN , her husband, Born Hohensalza Posen .. Transported 22April 1942 to Izbica.

For more information on Essen , so much is included in the Schroeter handbook such as all 71 Jews of Essen that died in action 1914/1918 with birthplace and date and death date and rank .All
Family names that one sees whilst trawling Geni. Some of the pages should be used or listed to accompany the empty project but I am not into paste up or pdf work. Sorry.

Hope that someone else takes up the challenge if they see or read our thoughts here

Regards..... Alleged 13th cousin Once removed... Do check the Eric Elias

9/27/2021 at 7:04 AM

HIYA again dear Eric -

NICE to know we're "cousins"!

I'll try to find a mini mellow mo to check our connections out and also look at links you've shared. Am struggling & juggling rather now since gigantic lightning strike* in August shattered neighbourhood landline phone & internet sevices. Still not repaired (absolutely unbelievably but ...). Using occasionally wobbly substitute courtesy T-mobile router at present.


Best wishes!


*Ironically, the composer biography I was working on which led me to Essen also includes a fantastic "Blitz & Donner" scene.

If you happen to have the time - take a peek:

Trailer DER GOLEM // erstmals mit der Originalmusik von Hans Landsberger - YouTube

(Hans LANDSBERGER married Margarethe HIRSCHLAND of Essen ...)

And N.B. as I'm, apparently, direct descendant of the celebrated Rabbi LOEW - then you must at least be related too ...

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