John Kendall, Jr. - Help clean up this family

Начала Erica Howton вторник, 28 сентября 2021
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28.9.2021 в 4:01 после полудня

It looks very confused.

  • From Torreys New England Marriages: Key to Torrey source abbreviations
  • KENDALL, John (-1661) & 1/wf ____ ____; by 1630?; Gloucester/ Cambridge {Topliff (1906) 15}
  • KENDALL, John (-1661) & 2/wf Elizabeth (____) [HOLLEY], w Samuel; aft 1643, ca 1644; Cambridge {Cambridge Hist. Supp. & index; Dawes-Gates 1:370; Frame-Dana 224}


Derivative Source as well-written and well-documented as they may be, the sources for this profile are derivative, and to be used as hints for further research - primary evidence is sought.

John Kendall & Elizabeth Sacherell (although the name if correct would more likely be Sacheverell) are presented as the John and wife Elizabeth who resided in Cambridge. Sometimes they are presented as the parents of that John Kendall. This supposed couple appears in online trees and some publications as the parents or grandparents of many early Kendalls of New England:

  • Mabel, wife of William Read (sometimes incorrectly identified as a Kendall]],
  • John Kendall of Cambridge, MA h/of widow Elizabeth Holly,
  • Elizabeth Kendall m Morris Somes, (or Sommes)
  • Thomas Kendall of Reading, MA.
  • Francis Kendall of Woburn, MA

That he was father of Francis Kendall is claimed in The Kendall Family of America (pp 5-7) also per Steele & Related Lines Book II (2000) p.38 [5]

Anderson does not recognize him as the father of Mabell who m1 William Reed and m2 Henry Sommers.[6]


From notes in the profile for Elizabeth Kendall

Elizabeth was accused by a nurse of Watertown of bewitching a child to death. She died in prison. From ""

"(31.) John KENDALL was born in 1580 in Norfolk, Cty., England. He died on 21 March 1661 in Cambridge, England. He was buried Unknown.

John KENDALL and Elizabeth SEARTH were married Unknown in Cambridge, England. Elizabeth SEARTH was born in 1584 in Cambridge, England. She died in 1640 in Cambridge, England. She was buried Unknown.

John KENDALL and Elizabeth SEARTH had the following children:

(+37) i. Deacon Thomas KENDALL. (+38) ii. Francis KENDALL


I’ll start with the children.

28.9.2021 в 4:02 после полудня

Note: of Cambridge 1646-1660 9/8/1646: Cambridge Mass, Edward Jackson bought of John Kendall and Elizabeth his wife, one dwelling house, late Samuel Hollyes, together with an outhouse and ten acres of land. His wife elizabeth was widow of Samuel Holly; she may have suffered death for supposed witchcraft.

Elizabeth was accused by a nurse of watertown of bewitching a child to was later revealled that she knowingly lied about it...and died in prison. The child died from exposure not bewitching.

28.9.2021 в 4:06 после полудня
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