Come bring your ancestors on over to this project.
The Ship Defence of London, 1635
- Edward Bostock, Master. She sailed from London about the last of July (1635) and arrived at Boston October 8, 1635, with about one hundred passengers.
- Dorothy Adams, aged 24
- Martha Banes, aged 20
- Mary Bentley, aged 20
- Thomas Boylston, aged 20
- John Burtes, aged 29
- Edward Colborne, aged 17
- Robert Colborne, aged 28
- George Cooke, aged 25
- Joseph Cooke, aged 27
- Penelope Darno, aged 29
- Henry Dewhurst, aged 35
- Thomas Donn, aged 25
- Susannah Farebrother, aged 25
- Elizabeth Fenwick, aged 25
- James Fitch, aged 30
- John Fitch, aged 14
- Mrs. Abigail Fitch, aged 24
- Elizabeth French, aged 6
- Francis French, aged 10
- John French, aged 1/2
- Mary French, aged 2 1/2
- Mrs. Elizabeth French, aged 32
- Mrs. Elizabeth French, aged 30
- William French, aged 30
- John Gould, aged 25
- Mrs. Grace Gould, aged 25
- Jasper Gunn, aged 29
- Mrs. Anne Gunn, aged 25
- Mabel Harlakenden, aged 22
- Mrs. Elizabeth Harlakenden, aged 18
- Roger Harlakenden, aged 23
- Robert Hill, aged 20
- John Hubbard, aged 15
- Martha Hubbard, aged 22
- Mary Hubbard, aged 20
- Mrs. Judith Hubbard, aged 25
- Nathaniel Hubbard, aged 6
- Richard Hubbard, aged 4
- William Hubbard, aged 40
- William Hubbard, aged 13
- John Jackson, aged 30
- John Jenkins, aged 26
- Benjamin Keayne, aged 16
- Mrs. Anne Keayne, aged 38
- Robert Keayne, aged 40
- Dorothy Knight, aged 24
- Mrs. Sarah Knight, aged 50
- Anne Long, aged 10
- Elizabeth Long, aged 12
- John Long, aged 5
- Joshua Long, aged 3/4
- Mary Long, aged 9
- Michael Long, aged 20
- Mrs. Elizabeth Long, aged 30
- Rebecca Long, aged 8
- Robert Long, aged 45
- Robert Long, aged 16
- Sarah Long, aged 18
- Zachary Long, aged 4
- Phebe Maulder, aged 7
- Adam Mott, aged 39
- Adam Mott, aged 12
- Elizabeth Mott, aged 6
- John Mott, aged 14
- Jonathan Mott, aged 9
- Mary Mott, aged 4
- Mrs. Sarah Mott, aged 31
- Robert......
- Francis Nutbrowne, aged 16
- Mrs. Margery Park, aged 30
- Richard Park, aged 33
- George Reade, aged 6
- Justus Reade, aged 1 1/2
- Mrs. Mabel Reade, aged 30
- Ralph Reade, aged 5
- William Reade, aged 48
- Simon Rogers, aged 20
- William Sawkyn, aged 25
- John Shepard, aged 36
- Mrs. Margaret Shepard, aged 31
- Samuel Shepard, aged 22
- Thomas Shepard, aged 1/2
- Sarah Simes, aged 30
- Elizabeth Steere, aged 18
- Mrs. Mary Williamson, aged 23
- William Williamson, aged 25
- Anne Wood, aged 23
The following distinguished persons came in this ship, although their names are not on the official passenger list. It is certain that they came under assumed names, owing to the rigorous inspection of emigrant ships to New England.
- Rev. Thomas Shepard of Towcester, county Northants, Cambridge
- Mrs. Margaret Shepard
- Thomas Shepard
- Rev. John Wilson, returning from England, Boston -
- Rev. Hugh Peter, of Fowey, county Cornwall, Salem
- Rev. John Norton, of Bishops Stortford, county Herts, Ipswich
- Mrs. Mary Norton
- Rev. John Jones, Concord, Fairfield, CT
- Mrs. Sarah Jones, 34
- Sarah Jones, 15
- John Jones, 11
- Ruth Jones, 7
- Theophilus Jones, 3
- Rebecca Jones, 2
- Elizabeth Jones, 1/2
For More Information
- About Boston and her immigrants:
- Port Arrivals & Immigrants to the City of Boston, 1715-1716 & 1762-1769
- The Seventeen Eighty-Nine Boston Directory
- THE PLANTERS OF THE COMMONWEALTH: A study of the Emigrants and Emigration in Colonial Times to which are added Lists of Passengers to Boston and to the Bay Colony; the ships which brought them; their English Homes, and the Places of their Settlement in Massachusetts. 1620-1640 By Charles Edward Banks Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Co., 1961. Pages 167-170.