Andrew Johnson Floyd - Can we remove the Johnson as Andrew Floyd's middle name?

Started by Susanne Floyd on Wednesday, October 27, 2021
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10/27/2021 at 5:23 PM

I can't find any source for Andrew's existence in Horry County; however, it seems wife Ann may have been there (or married to an older Samuel Floyd as many think). The Johnson as his Middle name doesn't make sense. Middle names were not common at that time - though Johnson became a family name in later generations, I am really unsure it needs to stay with Andrew.

Recommendations, please.

Private User
10/27/2021 at 5:34 PM

There's a match at

No info on parents means we don't know if his mother was a Johnson. Middle names were just beginning to creep in about this time, so it's a judgment call at this point.

10/27/2021 at 6:30 PM

Yeah, I made the match actually to work out the info on an apparent additional brother Austin/Orson Floyd who I have known about all my life, but alludes researchers. We know he had two wives (names unknown) and a number of unknown children. I think I even have found one - Anna Jane Kirton who has to be the daughter of Moses Floyd or Austin/Orson Floyd. We have accounted for most of the other daughters of the other Floyd men in that time period in Horry County as they were named in wills, deeds, or land transactions.

What we do know about Austin is that he, like the other Floyds bought land like some people bought and traded horses. I have land plats to put on the profile where he is contiguous to the other Floyds. I suspect since he and his wife are alone in the last census that his children married into other families or more likely moved west. One may have stayed back with all the land, but no named male comes to the forefront. Still working on it.

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