There are 2 points supporting the hypothesis that he is the son of Caleb and Sarah.
1. Caleb and Sarah were said to be married about 1680, but, eldest child's birth is estimated at 1687 based on information obtained when Caleb purchased land in 1699. There is a 7 year gap between 1680-1687 and the records of Caleb and Sarah state there could be other children not yet proven.
2. Letter written to JD Shreve from his cousin, John S. Shreve, of Mayfield, Kentucky dated August 21, 1932. Detailed below.
However, there are some difficult facts to overcome leaning to them not having a son named Solomon.
1. Solomon is not mentioned in the will (dated 5 April 1735) of Caleb and in said will Caleb refers to Thomas as his eldest son. Thomas is believed to be born between 1688-1691. All other children linked to Caleb are mentioned in his will.
2. Shreve News, Volume II, No. 5 November 1992 pp. 2-4, author Sherry Shreve March, the editor:
"I offer the following to those of you who do research. For several years I have been accumulating information and descendants of David Shreve [M1R2-63W] who married Nancy Thompson [G4LH-QJC]... The problem is that no record of a Solomon Shreve exists in that time frame, nor does the genealogy list Solomon as a son of Caleb and Sarah. Searches of New Jersey census records also do not turn up a Solomon Shreve. Consequently, I do not believe this is correct. Both the Quakers and the State of New Jersey have such complete records of marriages, births, etc. as well as the census records that I don't see how they could all miss documenting a son of Caleb and Sarah named Solomon."
Conclusion of professional genealogist at this time: David Shreve M1R2-63W, referred to in above letter, is actually the son of William Shreve and Anna Smalley. They do not believe a Solomon Shreve is the son of Caleb and they do not believe a Solomon Shreve ever lived in New Jersey during that time frame. See Collaborate section for genealogical proofs and more details.
Letter referred to above. This letter appeared in the Reidsville Review in that same year. Who was in his 85th year, had a remarkable clear memory. [Memory would not apply here since he would have been born about 1847 and said Solomon lived 1693-1754 and son referred to below lived 1750-1806. Both had long past during John S Shreve's lifetime. He would have been recalling stories passed down to him.]
Solomon Shreve was born at Shrewbury, New Jersey. He was the son of Caleb and Sarah (Areson) Shreve. Later he moved with his parents to Mount Holly, Burlington County, New Jersey. He feeling the call of his faith, became a Quaker minister. He moved from Burlington County, New Jersey to what he referred to as that glorious country, which was southern Maryland. He stated that the soil, air and water was so much more preferable to any of the back country runs of New Jersey. He was married in New Jersey and after settled in Maryland. He and his wife had one son David [M1R2-63W], and one daughter Johannah.