Minnie Louise Burns (Blackburn) - Ellis Island record

Started by Alex Moes on Wednesday, November 24, 2021
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11/24/2021 at 5:39 AM

Private User in the HELP thread you asked that the Ellis Island Passenger List, which Ned Reynolds as a source for Minnie Louise Burns be removed.

In 1918 Minnie is living with her husband John in Oakland, I cannot find any records for her between 1918 and 1880 when she is listed in the US Census living with her parents in NY. The same census record contains her son(?) Private listed as a grandchild.

That's a blank hole of 38 years, what makes you think that the woman coming thru Ellis in 1909 isn't her? Do you have any data for the blank hole?

11/24/2021 at 6:25 AM

I tried to find a 1910 census entry for John and Minnie living in Lawrence, MA but with no success.

I did find John in the 1940 census living at the same address as is listed in "Jean" Burn's 1938 obituary.

11/24/2021 at 6:26 AM

Husband Private

11/24/2021 at 6:47 AM

Speaking of husbands, Charles Edison Gale was 39 years old when his son(?) Private waa born. Minnie Louise Burns on the other hand was just 13 years old.

Apart from the age gap, I am pretty sure that 13 is below the age of consent for NY (even in the 1880s).

Given that the proof for Minnie Burn's being Charles D Gale seems to be limited to Charles' 1931 marriage certificate, where his mother is named Louise Blackburn, and that two records for John Burns list his wife as Minnie Louise Burns and the 1880 census lists Minnie's middle initial as L I am left wondering if there was more than one Louise Blackburn in St Lawrence, NY in 1879. Minnie had two older sisters, did one of them also go by Louise? How well informed was Charles of his own origins?

11/27/2021 at 3:36 PM

Thanks Chris. I have deleted the Ellis Island reference.


11/27/2021 at 9:24 PM

Hi Chris, you are correct the Ellis Island record is actually for Minnie Burns

I simply asked what evidence you had that the Ellis Island record wasn't for your Minnie, I wasn't arguing with you. As I said I wasn't able to finnd may records for Minnie Louise during that time period. When I switched to searching for Minnie (wife of Thomas) i found quite a bit of evidence.

I am sorry that you feel Geni isn't living up to your expectations, I had already surmised that the entries on FindAGrave were created by you, but claiming to have first hand knowledge is not very helpful when you won't tell us what that knowledge is. Especially when it is first hand knowledge passed to you by someone else who was told it by their aunt.

I had a quick look for records of someone named Jean Balfour in CA but didn't turn anything obvious up.

I'll leave your profiles alone unless you have some specific request for help.

11/28/2021 at 1:50 AM


For my own edification, are curators asked to proactively challenge any profiles they see that aren't documented to their genealogical standards? I appreciate that GENi needs to encourage good standards but I think a lighter touch when its within a few generations of the profile creator would make GENi a more appealing / less emotionally charged place for new members to invest their time and energy.



11/29/2021 at 2:15 PM

Hi Ned,

My attention was brought to this family group when Chrissie requested for a curator to disconnect the Ellis Island record that you had attached to Minnie Blackburn. There is certainly no requirement from Geni for profiles to be documented, in this sort of he said/she said situation the only way to an impartial person to determine whether the record belongs to the profile is to look at the evidence, I could not in good faith simply disconnect a record which you had attached simply because Chrissie asked us to because you are also a manager of that profile.

After searching various public records over several days I was unable to locate records for Minnie during a nearly forty year period, a lack of evidence is not evidence and so I started this thread to try and break this brick wall. Chrissie's statements may be factual but without evidence there is no way to determine this, when she stated there was another woman with the same name in MA in the 1910 US Census I was able to verify her statement with publicly available records and prove that the woman in the Ellis Island record was not the woman you had attached the record to. With that evidence disconnecting the record took a few seconds.

For my edification, which aspect of the posts I've made in this thread do you think was unwarranted? The suggestion that Minnie was below the age of consent or that unquoted pers comms regarding her great-great-grandmother does not equate to evidence that can be actioned in a collaborative environment?


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