First, Ephraim Sweat's wife is Olive Sweat Somehow, in the profile for Olive Sweat she has been given parents that aren't hers and an incorrect death date. Paul Heinegg at http://freeafricanamericans.com/Nash_Peters.htm says "3. Ann Perkins, born say 1730, was... the mother of i. Jordan1, born say 1758. ii. ?Olive, born say 1762, married Ephraim Sweat according to the 18 April 1811 Opelousas, Louisiana marriage bond of their son Gideon Sweat [Opelousas license no.6]. iii. ?Nancy, born before 1776, head of a St. Landry Parish household of 6 "free colored" in 1820 [LA:108].
Heinegg discusses Ephraim Sweat here at #20 under Swea: http://freeafricanamericans.com/Stringer-Talbot.htm. He says Ephraim was the son of "13. William5 Sweat, born say 1730, was a "mulato" taxable in Bladen County on himself and son Benjamin in 1768 and taxable on himself and son George in 1772 [Byrd, Bladen County Tax Lists, I:7, 82]. He was one of the "free Negors and Mullatus living upon the Kings Land" in "A List of the Mob Raitously Assembled together in Bladen County" on 13 October 1773: Ephraim, William, George, and Benjamin Sweat [G.A. 1773, Box 7]."
As far as I can find, both from Heinegg and other research, Ephraim Sweat's mother is unknown. At least I can find no documentary evidence about her.
All of the Pamunkey/Cheraw information in this profile, for which no sources are cited, appears not to be factual. The listed siblings don't appear in Heinegg and don't appear to be supported by evidence.
While I'm discussing this family, the information on William on up in the Sweat line is also very problematic. Heinegg at http://freeafricanamericans.com/Stringer-Talbot.htm says William's father (Ephraim's grandfather) was "8. Robert3 Sweat, born say 1707, was sued in Goochland County for trespass by James Taylor in June 1729 [Orders 1728-30, 114, 123] and was living on the northeast side of the Black River in South Carolina on 19 July 1736 when Alexander Nesbitt recorded a plat for land adjoining his [S.C. Archives Alphabetical Index 9-003-0003-00333-02]."
Erica Howton can you please work your magic? I tried to edit, but am unable to do so.
PS: Heinegg also discusses William Sweat and Lucy Turbeville - they are related to Ephraim's father William, but the two Williams are not the same person. Heinegg on William and Lucy (same citation as above): "12. William6 Sweat, born about 1732, was baptized in Prince Frederick Winyaw Parish in South Carolina on 11 December 1735. He purchased land by deed recorded in South Carolina between 1757 and 1758 and sold this land by deed recorded during the same period [Lucas, Index to Deeds of South Carolina, S-S:343, 346]. He married Lucy Turbeville before 23 July 1763 when he was named as executor and son-in-law of John Turbeville who named his daughter Lucy Sweat and grandson Nathan Sweat in his Craven County, South Carolina will (which was proved 3 August the same year) [WB RR:55]. "
Just tagging to work on this later. Laurie Constantino you’re a treasure, thank you so much for posting.
Note: Erbon Wise in Sweat Families of the South (Rev Ed 2002) says Ephraim's father was "Robert Sweat, perhaps the son of William Sweat Jr b c 1730, was granted land on the Little Pee Dee River on 23 Dec 1754..." This is the same Heinegg's #8 Sweat (mentioned above) who he shows is Ephraim's grandfather. Wise says Robert's children were Ephraim (who married Olive Perkins), Benjamin, William, George, Gilbert, Hannah (who married Isaac Perkins Jr) and probably Anna Sweat.
Wise says Robert's father was "William Sweat Jr, probably the son of William Sweat Sr, b 1676, most likely in Surry Co. Va..." This is Heinegg's Sweat #4. William Sweat Sr in Wise is Sweat #2 in Heinegg.
Thanks Erica Howton!!!! This one is going to be a project.
Oh! The Isaac Perkins who married Mary Sweat is Isaac Perkins, Jr Here is their marriage record: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/395689:7837
Mary was reportedly Isaac's second wife, with his first wife being named. Sarah Singleton. I can't find documentary support for this marriage.
So was Ephraim son of Robert or William?
I tentatively set as Robert Sweat but this is just a start.
I have a revised edition of Erbon Wise. In an author's note adjacent to the section on Robert, Wise makes clear he inserted a generation in the revised edition that messed up his numbering. He doesn’t say so explicitly, but I suspect he added Robert. It’s his only big deviation from Heinegg, and then only in the revised edition.
Wise is a Sweat specialist, and Heinegg isn’t, I’ve chosen to go with Wise's pedigree for Ephraim in my personal tree, with a note about the other possibility.
Erica Howton -- I manage or curate some of these profiles because they are ancestors -- I'm working on letting go of any profiles later than 1600, since I'm best used in the middle ages, so even fairly close relatives I hand over gladly. Please curate any that you like.
I assumed there was something wrong with the data I've been able to piece together about the Sweats. Matilda Sweat was my 4 the great grandmother while Ephraim was my 6 th great grandfather, or so I thought. Then, following the trail led me through William Jr. and William Sr. "Old Cheraw". Then a few more generations back and I was looking at English white people. I would like to know the story of the African American DNA introduction into my family. I know nothing about my ancestors and have been researching this alone for many years. Unfortunately I don't quite know the best way so I can never get very far. Any help would be greatly appreciated.