Merges as Shown in Revision Tab - Bug?

Started by Private User on Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Problem with this page?


  • Private User
    Geni Pro

Profiles Mentioned:

Private User
1/12/2022 at 6:16 AM

I am seeing instances where the Added by: date (and person) after a merge is earlier than the Created on date shown for either of the profiles in the Merge (and is a different person)

If, as is the case with the two I just checked out,
the Revisions Tab shows the Primary Profile was "was added to the tree by" MM - with date xx
but was merged, with another, which apparently had an earlier Added by date (and different person) before this merge
Should the View Merge screen
Report the Created by and Created on as shown on the Profiles Revision Tab (as it does now at least in those instances)
Report the Added by and Added on as shown on the profile just before / as it went into the merge?

I was expecting the latter.
Is the former correct -- resulting in showing, for example, as currently the last merge for Rabbi Nathan H. Reisner
a profile Created on 12/18/2010 merged with a profile Created on 10/5/2021
And the resulting (current) profile Added by: [XX] on April 16, 2009

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