Henry Peck birth 1605-1618 in England; death 1651-New Haven ; a settler of New Haven, CT-came on Ship Hector

Started by Private User on Monday, February 7, 2022
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  • Private User
    Geni member
Private User
2/7/2022 at 11:39 AM

I am trying to find more definitive documentation or at least some DNA evidence of the parents of my 9th great grandfather, Henry Peck, who supposedly came over in 1637/38 on the ship Hector in the company of Governor Eaton( although not on the ship's passenger list); and who was possibly related to Deacon William Peck. There are many theories out there posted on sites as to who Henry's parents back in England were. I am not sure which UK sites help the most with documents and DNA tracking. The birthparents on Ancestry and Family Search are all over the place. Any help is greatly appreciated. I realize this far back it will be hard to get an accurate haplotype matching but perhaps a process of elimination will help. Unfortunately none of my male relatives have or will take one. Thanks, Michelle Peck

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