- if one version of the profile is a Geni user, that will be the primary version
If neither is a geni user and one has more managers, the one with more managers will be the primary
At some point, which was added first is looked at - but think that is way down.
Other things looked at, if neither of those:
How complete the profile info (that used to be very important - not sure if now comes right after more managers or further down),
inactive managers, managers very closely related to the profile
The algorithm has changed over time, and will likely change in future.
Merging generally means for one version it will seem to have new primary manager.
Primary manager being deleted as manager will change primary manager.
Primary manager's account being closed will change primary manager.
Primary manager requesting someone else be primary, and their accepting will change primary manager.
Thanks Lois.
The info about algorithms changing over time is helpful.
I'm relating to a situation where both are geni users but not PRO level, and in looking at the info that both managers had provided I was surprised to see the 'booted' party had contributed more.
That was what caught my interest. Not sure what is meant by "one has more managers" as both are solo managers of their own profile.
In a merge, the Primary Manager of the Primary Profile will become the Primary Manager of the merged Profile.
My explanations referred to how Geni decided which Profile would be Primary.
Re: "what is meant by "one has more managers"" -- refers to the two Profiles being merged.
If that does not clarify it, please explain.
Being PRO has absolutely nothing to do with which Profile is chosen as Primary.
What do you mean by "'booted' party"?
I understand your first sentence. And the second.
To clarify re the third sentence - the following profile is the one in question.
I added it on June 23 2021, with photo and sources.
Was primary manager until Mar 2022 when a merge must have been completed and a further source added by the incoming manager. I then became secondary manager, (the 'booted' party).
Rt Rev. Hugh van Lynden Otter-Barry, CBE
View Merge shows each version with one manager, your version created about 9 months earlier, your version the more complete profile, each with parents and siblings (period)
However, it indicates your version was deleted - by line thru name in view merge, which is totally atypical.
And other version Primary.
Had somebody deleted in one window before completing merge in another window? Or??
In any case, you were not "booted" as in removed as a Manager, you simply did not become the primary manager because your version did not become the primary profile.
My guess - that may have had something to do with why your version is shown as deleted at time of merge.
Aha! All of that makes sense. Thank you Lois. I'm glad I queried it and your answers have been very helpful. I'd made note of another user asking why their favourite old auntie's profile had been deleted (by this same manager) and the answer was - that they deleted it because there could only be one profile. That didn't make sense because profiles should be merged in the first instance, not deleted. I've since blocked this person because I don't think this is helpful, for this reason: I go to a lot of trouble to add value to a profile - photos and life background. So for all that effort to be cavalierly dismissed as less than...is not acceptable to me. Thanks for helping :)
Created on3/2/2022
Created on6/22/2021
It used to be that when you stakced a merge, the proifle on the top was the one that the manager would become the primary.
I don't know why THIS is making the other person primary but I do know thta the change in stacking now can make the info in the one on the left the one that gets automatically added such as name field and dates, so when I merge I try to make the one with MORE info the one that is merged INTO rather than vice versa.
Also, it used to be that if you merged and sent a resolve data conflict request, it got hung up if you were blocked by a manager (maybe just if it was the primary that blocked me) but now it will go except that manager won't get the message I think. Same with when I MESSAGE managers from a profile. The one who has blocked me isn't included.
Mostly, just working on Geni a lot has shown me some of the pecadillos ....
This is a more recent merge -- no line thru the non-primary profile
So something different going on there -- unless they experimented with that for a short while and stopped.
Everything else being equal, way way back which one you moved onto which one used to make a difference in which would be chosen for Primary-- they added so many additional criteria they look at now, I hadn't noticed it still was.
Always -- for quite a while now - the one they show on the left in the Compare Screen will be the Primary.