Jesse"Jehu" Fitzhugh Lee - Jehu Lee Y DNA results

Started by Erica Howton on Friday, May 6, 2022
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If I follow correctly, Jesse"Jehu" Fitzhugh Lee cannot have been at all related to Richard Henry Lee, II ‘Esquire’ & the Stratford Hall Lees? But we never wrote this in the profiles?

It would explain the date issues in the pedigree also.

In other words, there was a son Jesse with RHL’s 2nd wife, born about 1775, and an unrelated Jehu Lee, born about 1764, and it is the latter Jehu’s descendants we see the Y DNA test on.

Transcript of the Miller Lee (son of Richard Henry Lee and Mary Elizabeth Betsy Miller) letter as it appears in the book on Gresham Lee by R.E. Lee. The transcript was provided to R.E. Lee by a Barbara L. McKelvey, a Miller Lee descendant.

Rusk City March 30, 1850

I, Miller Lee, was born on the first day of July 1769 in Buckingham Co. in the State of Virginia. My father's name was Richard Lee, raised in Buckingham Co. and lived there most of his life until just before he died. He moved to Ballston, near Arlington, Va. There my mother died. He then moved to Jackson, Tn. where he died. His father came from England, his mother from Wales. My mother's name before marriage was Elizabeth Miller. Her father and mother were from Germany. She was born in the State of Delaware and she moved to Virginia. The Indians killed her father. Her mother died when she was about 12 years of age.

She was my father's second wife. Richard was the first child, then Miller, John, Barnett, Agnes, Arthur who died at three weeks of age, then Stephen, the last. …

There is no “Jesse”, Jehu, or any similar name variant in this primary source.

A letter written by George Lee, grandson of Richard Henry Lee, on 9 Oct 1867, states that Lee and Mary Grisham (Gresham) had 10 children: Grisham, William, Jesse, Archer, Young, George, Abner, Dorothy, Mary and Elizabeth. This does not mention a "John" (shown above) but names a "William," (not listed above). The above list also has two Marys, which the letter does not mention.


…. Alfred and Abraham was sons of uncle Jehew Lee by Richard Henry Lee's second wife whose maiden name was Miller. Alfred and Abram are onley 1/2 cozens to me. ….

Well Richard Henry Lee married Mary Grisham who was the sister of thetwo John Grishams Brothers, full Welch also, and he had by her 7 sons and 3 daughters (to wit) Grisham,William, Jesse, Archer, Young, George and Abner. These was the sons. The daughters was named Dorothy, commonaly cauled Dolley, Mary & Elizabeth. …

Uncle Jessee maried but I have forgoten his wife's name. he went to Geogia, Oglethorp County, had a large family but I never saw him or aney of his children. …

grandmother died and grandfather maried a Mary Miller and had by her 5 sons and 1 daughter (to wit)Richard, Barnet, Miller, Gehew & Stepen.



One of the conclusions that I drew from the document was that Abner was illiterate to the point that he can't even sign his name. I'm having trouble putting that together with the impressions one gets of Richard Henry and his forebears. So to stop beating around the bush, can you point me toward any documentation--a will, a census--anything that connects Richard Henry and Mary with their children. Thanking you in advance."

From Geni

yDNA testing, shown on

99 Abner Lee (b1760 NC, d1852 Jackson Co., TN) Line of Jehu Lee (of Buckingham Co., VA) yDNA haplogroup i1a

In other words, Miller Lee in 1850 does not list a full brother Jehu.

G.W. Lee, son of Abner (so a generation removed) in 1867 writes somewhat incoherently with different sibling lists.

George Washington Lee, who appears to belong to the same family (although he's very hazy on chronology before about 1700), mentions an uncle "Gehew" Lee (also seems to be spelled "Lehew" at one point but that could be bad handwriting).

According to him, there was a Jesse who was the son of Richard Lee and Mary Gresham, but also a "Gehew" (Jehu?) who was the son of Richard Lee and second wife Mary Miller.

Abner (#99 at and Jehu (#104) were half-brothers, Abner belonging to the first marriage and Jehu (as noted) to the second.

I think he's fairly sound on two generations up, down and sideways, but not so much before that. (He seems to have totally mashed up Col. Richard Lee I with Richard Henry Lee the Signer with Richard Lee m. Mary Young.)

So If Abner & Jehu were 1/2 brothers, neither of them were sons of Richard Lee??

Why can’t I find them at

At best, this lot *might* be very distant cousins of The Lees of Virginia - somewhere way, way back. Bad King John's time, maybe, or even farther.

So if we follow the letters, we have

1. Jesse by wife Mary Gresham “moved to Georgia”

2. Gehew by wife Mary Miller (No further info)

3. Abner’s son thinks he’s a son of RHL & Mary Gresham, but Y DNA does not support this. We know this because of comparisons with (???)

4. Y DNA says Jehu & Abner, with tested descendants, were half brothers, from unknown parents

The FTDNA Lee project includes a lot of people who did not, or did not want to, go public. It spun off from a defunct Web page that was once known as, was moved under the aegis of the Henry Lee Society at - and then had their database self-destruct. It has never been repaired, and probably cannot be fixed.

Vestigial information indicates that the Richard Lee/Mary Young line was being researched under "Abner Lees", possibly because of the Jesse/Jehu confusion.

Speaking of going public, I'm not sure this was such a great idea. You know what's going to happen.

I didn’t have a lot of choice. I was trying to clean up “barnacle” children a couple weeks ago and bad merged Jesse & Jehu, which has been called to my attention. So in order to even match what’s currently in the profile notes for RHL, I have to undo merges and try to repair. I think there were like 5 extra children that match no one’s notes when I started the (No good deed goes unpunished) cleanup. :(

The family groups page is still useful, though.

According to we have a fairly well-defined kin-group:

James Young Lee (bc1836 MO, d bef 1900)
Abner Lee (b1760 NC, d1852 Jackson Co., TN) email
William Miller Lee (b1769 VA, d1852 Rusk Co, TX
Jehu Lee (bc1765 Buckingham Co., VA, d1848)
William Sylvester Lee (b1855 TN)
George Lee (d1803 Madison Co, KY)
Miller Lee (b VA, d MO)
Budd Lee (bc1805 GA, d aft 1840 GA, m1829 GA Elizabeth Fincher)

They all match at better than 90%, with Jehu, James Young, and George matching at a full 100%.

So it’s a different Miller Lee from the Miller Lee of the 1850 letter?

2. Title: Thomas Gresham Family Group Sheets
Author: Milton Gresham

Miller Lee Born July 1 1769 Buckingham County Va. Married Peggy Margart Carson and Had 9 Proven Children.

Gehew Jehu Married Unknown having Two Children Alfred and Abraham Lee

REFERENCE: Richard Lee II, Page 17 - Richard Edward Lee - Author of Ancestors & Descendants of Gresham Lee of Buckingham Co, Virginia Paragraph 2

Miller Lee Husband of Margaret (Carson) Lee died 1852 Tyler TX

I did find the tone of his letter more in keeping with what one would expect of an educated planter of the era. In contrast to the “I don’t have an envelope” 1867 letter GW Lee, son of Abner.

Extracted Jesse Lee

Extracted Jehu Lee


The children of Richard Lee & his 2 wives now match the notes in profile for Richard Lee, and the conflict in letter evidence is noted in profiles.

It appears that Buckingham County had many Lees, and their origins (who was son of whom) are not clear, even as early as Miller Lee’s 1850 letter.

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