A letter written by George Lee, grandson of Richard Henry Lee, on 9 Oct 1867, states that Lee and Mary Grisham (Gresham) had 10 children: Grisham, William, Jesse, Archer, Young, George, Abner, Dorothy, Mary and Elizabeth. This does not mention a "John" (shown above) but names a "William," (not listed above). The above list also has two Marys, which the letter does not mention.
…. Alfred and Abraham was sons of uncle Jehew Lee by Richard Henry Lee's second wife whose maiden name was Miller. Alfred and Abram are onley 1/2 cozens to me. ….
Well Richard Henry Lee married Mary Grisham who was the sister of thetwo John Grishams Brothers, full Welch also, and he had by her 7 sons and 3 daughters (to wit) Grisham,William, Jesse, Archer, Young, George and Abner. These was the sons. The daughters was named Dorothy, commonaly cauled Dolley, Mary & Elizabeth. …
Uncle Jessee maried but I have forgoten his wife's name. he went to Geogia, Oglethorp County, had a large family but I never saw him or aney of his children. …
grandmother died and grandfather maried a Mary Miller and had by her 5 sons and 1 daughter (to wit)Richard, Barnet, Miller, Gehew & Stepen.
One of the conclusions that I drew from the document was that Abner was illiterate to the point that he can't even sign his name. I'm having trouble putting that together with the impressions one gets of Richard Henry and his forebears. So to stop beating around the bush, can you point me toward any documentation--a will, a census--anything that connects Richard Henry and Mary with their children. Thanking you in advance."
From Geni
yDNA testing, shown on http://zippersoftware.com/zdna/zdna_results.php?id=104
99 Abner Lee (b1760 NC, d1852 Jackson Co., TN) Line of Jehu Lee (of Buckingham Co., VA) yDNA haplogroup i1a