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вчера в 11:06 до полудня

I'm unable to change my online email address.
In what other way can I forward my new email to you?

вчера в 11:56 до полудня

שלום ציפי, מה את רוצה לשלוח לי tali@poleg.net

вчера в 12:33 после полудня

One should be able to change one's email by logging into one's account using ones old email or user name, opening up the properties of one's profile and putting in the new email address.

One of the issues might arise is if someone else owns your profile on your tree, and you do not have access because it does not contain your email address. One possibility is to create your profile yourself, with your details which ought to stay private, attach it to your parents (or create these again if you do not have privacy access and even create again your grandparents attaching to your newly created parents if necessary), and hope that the other owners or managers involved will accept a merge to prevent duplication.

вчера в 3:20 после полудня

Hi Tzipi, nice to hear from you. I am the daughter of Gerson and Sala Yoskovitch. I have a family tree on "my heritage". Let me know if you want an invite. I have lots of information on my 3 other grandparents, but not the Yoskovitch side.
Regards, Dvora

Сегодня в 12:32 до полудня

Hi Tzipy, i send to you in hebrew' go to

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