Bessie Coleman, 1st American Aviatrix - Cousins

Started by Rachal Bhnay Davis on Wednesday, June 1, 2022
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Bessie Coleman, 1st American Aviatrix is your 20th cousin four times removed.
→ David Ronald Davis
your father → Raymond Earl Davis
his father → Ralph Raymond Davis
his father → Cassie A Davis
his mother → Martha Jackson
her mother → Cassandra Thompson
her mother → Elijah Amos
her father → Christiana Amos
his mother → Mary Nancy Ditto
her mother → Rebecca Tasker Plater
her mother → Elizabeth Addison
her mother → Rebecca Tasker
her mother → Elizabeth Isaacke
her mother → Elizabeth Sharpe
her mother → Anne Coney
her mother → Hammon Upton
her father → Margaret Sutton
his mother → Lady Margaret Sheffield
her mother → Genette Sheffield
her mother → Maud Cave
her mother → Alexander Cave
her father → Katherine Cave
his mother → Roger Somerville
her father → Elizabeth Douglas, of Laudonia
his mother → Joanna Douglas, Lady Yester
her sister → Alice Gifford of Yester, Lady Kilmarnock
her daughter → Thomas Boyd of Kilmarnock
her son → Thomas Boyd, 5th Baron of Kilmarnock
his son → Margaret Boyd
his daughter → Margaret Christian Montgomerie, Countess of Lennox
her daughter → Elizabeth Stewart, Countess of Argyle
her daughter → Donald Campbell, Abbot of Coupar Angus
her son → Master Nicol Campbell of Keithick
his son → Margaret Campbell
his daughter → Alexander "The Immigrant" Magruder, Jr
her son → Col. Samuel Magruder
his son → Ninian Magruder
his son → John McGruder
his son → Elizabeth McGruder
his daughter → Thomas Talbott
her son → Jane Talbott
his daughter → Sarah Ellen Coleman
her daughter → Frances Louisa Coleman
her daughter → George Coleman
her son → Bessie Coleman, 1st American Aviatrix
his daughter

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