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Plane Crash

Please add Geni profiles of those who died in an aviation or aviation related accident to this project.

The first fatal aviation accident was the crash of a Rozière balloon near Wimereux, France, on June 15, 1785, killing its inventor Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier as well as the other occupant, Pierre Romain. The first involving a powered aircraft was the crash of a Wright Model A aircraft at Fort Myer, Virginia, USA, on September 17, 1908, injuring its co-inventor and pilot, Orville Wright, and killing the passenger, Signal Corps Lieutenant Thomas Selfridge.


Aircraft Crashes Record Office (ACRO)

The Aircraft Crashes Record Office (ACRO), a non-government organization based in Geneva, compiles statistics on aviation accidents of aircraft capable of carrying more than six passengers, excluding helicopters, balloons, and combat aircraft. Note that ACRO only considers accidents in which the aircraft has suffered such damage that it is removed from service, which will further reduce the statistics for incidents and fatalities compared to some other data.

According to ACRO, recent years have been considerably safer for aviation, with fewer than 140 accidents every year between 2009 and 2013, compared to as many as 211 as recently as 1999.

Annual fatalities have been less than 1,000 in six of the ten years since 2004, with 2013 experiencing the lowest number of fatalities, at 265, since the end of World War II. The nearly 3,000 deaths associated with the September 11 attacks escalated 2001 to a total of 4,140 deaths, the most since the end of World War II.

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