Mahalia Texas "Texie" Ragland (Hendrick) - Someone used a News article for basis that Texanna Ragland (Hendick) father was John J. Henrick

Начала Suzan Martin четверг, 9 июня 2022
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9.6.2022 в 11:59 после полудня

Think we need research here; I think we may have a mistake, because John J. Hendrick daughter was documented as marrying a white man, named Charles James, no record of marrying a black man. Which by the way was illegal during this time period! If a white woman would have married a black man in Georgia during this time, they would have been arrested and charged with a Felony. I would say, this didn't happen.

Suggest parents of this Texas "Texie Ragland ( Hendick) disconnected - unless a proven fact.

Not the correct person. This Texas Hendrick married Charles James. They were both white. Wiki The daughter of John J. Hendrick married Charles James, both white. Evidently, Mr. Hendick had a slave who named a child Texanna, very common during this time. The slaves used their owners surnames.

Сегодня в 12:10 до полудня

Suzan Martin I've read your post twice I think I follow what you are saying but just to confirm, are you saying we need to disconnect Texas James from her husband Steven Ragland because Steven is a black man?

This is what I think you are saying.

Additionally Texas James actually married a man named Charles James, per and and possibly

Сегодня в 12:54 до полудня

Coincidence? The wife of Steven Ragland was named Ellen Ann Lemons but her mothers name was Maria Hendrick

Anyway, there's no indication that I can see that Steven ever married anyone other than Ellen. They married 1869 and both lived until the 1920s.

The confusion could stem from Steven's son Jeremiah "Jerry" M. Ragland who's death certificate lists his mother's name as "Texas" The odd thing is that the death certificate informant is Jerimiah's daughter Dora who apparently didn't know/ couldn't remember her own grandmother's name despite being a teen herself when Ellen died.

Сегодня в 12:59 до полудня

Okay, I've found enough evidence that Texas James was never married to Steven Ragland and have dissolved that link.

Will add appropriate spouses and children and then leave your interested parties to add and improve.

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