Benjamin Thompson - Can we unconfirm the Smart matches and give him a family?

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Сегодня в 8:04 до полудня

The Smart Matches attached to the profile are now Robert Thompson, Jr. 's

Сегодня в 8:07 до полудня

Erica Howton thank you for all the work you did on the profile.

Surely he has family?
The Research this person brings up these:

Samuel Thompson, Sarah Thompson (born Williams)
Lucy Ann Thompson (born Jennings)
Elizabeth Ann Thompson (born Jennings)
Susannah Yarborough (born Thompson), Elizabeth Payne (born Thompson), Gideon Thompson, Zachariah Thompson, Jennings Thompson, James Thompson, Benjamin Thompson, Joseph

William Thompson, Martha Thompson (born Moseley)
Hannah Thompson, Samuel Thompson, John Thompson, Katherine King (born Thompson), Sarah Thompson, Martha Thompson, William Thompson, Philidelphia Thompson, Mary Thompson, Rachel Thompson
Elizabeth Thompson (born Jennings)
Benjamin Thompson, Gideon Thompson, William Thompson, Susanna Thompson, James Thompson, Drury Thompson, Jennings Thompson

Сегодня в 8:14 до полудня

Google search of benjamin thompson october 28, 1778 yields little specifically for this man but here's somthing interesting:

Сегодня в 8:17 до полудня

That’s this Benjamin Thompson

Which is not the same as Benjamin Thompson

Сегодня в 8:42 до полудня


Сегодня в 8:43 до полудня

So who is Benjamin Thompson
Also-- I think his death date's the same as Robert Thompson, Jr. from the merge.
Do we know anything about this profile?

Сегодня в 8:45 до полудня

He could, in this stripped down version, be or become if there is not already a profile for him or maybe even if he is...

Can we do something with him so he is not a locked loner?

Сегодня в 8:46 до полудня

Portrait of Count Rumford (born Benjamin Thompson, 1753–1814) by Thomas Gainsborough, 1783. (Fogg Museum)

by Todd W. Braisted

Сегодня в 9:12 до полудня

Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087, Tree builder it’s a corrupt profile I extracted from a merge. I can’t work with it - I can’t get the smart matches off.

If you need to create a family around it, start from scratch, and with a vital record, not a tree, as a base.

Сегодня в 9:22 до полудня


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