Hendrina Smit Steenkamp - free MtDNA tests to anyone directly descended from Hendrina Smit/Smith

Начала Sharon Doubell понедельник, 11 июля 2022
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11.7.2022 в 11:30 после полудня

Private User says FTDNA are so keen to move this forward, that they are offering free MtDNA tests to anyone directly descended from Hendrina Smit/Smith...I'm also still trying to find her parentage, & wondering if anyone has directly (female line) descended from Margaretha Steenkamp 1715-60, & married to Floris Smit/Smith had a mitochondrial test done..This could confirm or exclude that line of ancestry...

11.7.2022 в 11:34 после полудня

She has the most unique mitochondrial DNA lineage ever found in a living person.

Please see article: https://blog.familytreedna.com/ancient-human-lineage-rediscovered/?...
"For example, one single L7 sequence (L7a*) that traces roots to South Africa is 80,000 years apart from all other L7s discovered! That is the most unique mitochondrial DNA lineage ever found in a living person."

Hendrina Steenkamp

вчера в 1:15 до полудня

Adele Jeanetta Main on this line you are descendended from Hendrina at least twice. Once on the complete mother to mother mtDNA line - I'm sure FTDNA would be excited to test you for free.

вчера в 4:25 до полудня
вчера в 4:52 до полудня
вчера в 5:07 до полудня
вчера в 11:14 после полудня

Hendrina Smit is your 6th great grandmother.

 → Hendrina Johanna Vermeulen your mother 

→ Daniel Cornelius Vermeulen, SWASV f5g2 her father
→ Christina Gertruida Maria Louisa Coetzee his mother
→ Maria Margaretha Visser Vermeulen, b3c4d1e5f2 her mother
→ Catharina Elizabeth Nel, b8c1d3e2f1 her mother
→ Hendrina Johanna Steenkamp, b11c4d1 her mother
→ Johan Harmse Steenkamp her father
→ Hendrina Smit his mother

I suppose only female descendants? and not one "soiled" :- (by males)!

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