Oswin Musgrave - Parents

Начала Debbie Gambrell понедельник, 25 июля 2022
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25.7.2022 в 11:43 после полудня

I realize the fact that it's uncertain whether his father was James or John Musgrave but having having conflicting parents attached makes tracing complicated. I don't know if I'm related to him or not. I am if his father was John Musgrave but maybe not if his father was James. .

And are the two mothers both names Isabel Musgrave the same person?

Thanks for any clarification on Oswin's connections.

25.7.2022 в 11:51 после полудня

He cannot have been the son of John Musgrave - much too early. So eliminated that set if parents.

I prefer to leave him attached to the uncertain parents now shown. We put a lot of work into tracing Musgroves & Musgraves, and the Curator note covers the ambiguity.

вчера в 12:12 до полудня

Thanks, Erica.

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