To build a single, validated and documented shared family tree for the Musgrove/Musgrave family, from earliest origins to near modern times, c. 1900 AD
General Note
- If you would like to contribute to this page, please feel free to edit it. Click here for instructions about using Wiki markup language.
- Send a message to the Project Manager to join us and collaborate.
Additional reading
- The baronetage of England: or The History of the English baronets ..., Volume 1 By William Betham
- Anthony Musgrave
Contributions welcome.
- Feel free to share your links for images, videos, music ...
Project Profiles
Any profile added to the project will appear in the upper right column. Feel free to suggest profiles to be added to the project.
The United States did not exist until 1789 and the United Kingdom was formed in 1707. Please be careful about using autocomplete. Use place names such as England and South Carolina and spell out the country name with historical accuracy.
Is it Scotland or England The earliest Musgraves lived on the English-Scottish border. According to Wikpedia ( &, Westmorland was a part of Scotland until 1092, when conquered by William II. It had been historically associated with the Kingdom of Strathclyde. Briefly, it returned to Scottish control from 1135-1157 when, upon the death of Henry I, King David I of Scotland reclaimed several border counties.In 1157 Henry II of England resumed possession of the area from Malcolm IV of Scotland, and formed two new counties from the former earldom: Westmorland and "Carliol". To get the correct country, there are just a few dates to remember -- Before 1092 - Scotland 1135-1157 - Scotland Anything else ancient- England Modern times - Great Britain or United Kingdom
Overview tab
It makes it easier to read a profile if the "about me" information is filled out in this fashion:
- (vitals, summary)
- (parents)
- (marriages)
- (children)
- (weblinks)
- (biography)
- (notes)
- (references)
- (citations)
- example profile: Stephen Hopkins, "Mayflower" Passenger
Media tab
- Future releases of the Geni Project module will create a dynamic library of downloadable media for profiles associated with the Project.
-- The media tab of the MP should be used for documentation files. Websites, biographies, census reports, image files -- the richer we make the profile, the more historically and genealogically accurate and meaningful it will be.
Sources tab
-- Adding a source validates the MP, and creates a "timeline" for each life represented by a profile. The more information we add, the more detailed and accurate.
-- Original source data includes: birth certificates, census reports, immigration records, ship rosters, obituaries, marriage licenses ....
Works Cited
- Citation data (MLA format is good) should be noted for each source. If someone else can't replicate research, it's not acceptable.
- Instant citation makers on line: