The Rebbetzin Beila Babad (Katvan) - A source suggests Beila's mother was NOT Toiva

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Private User
вчера в 1:12 после полудня

Page 35 here: (38 of the PDF) says that both of Rabbi David HaLevi (the Katvan) -'s daughters came from his first, unkown wife. That includes The Rebbetzin Beila Babad

It is a much younger source, so גזע תרשישים may carry more weight.

In any case, Rabbi David HaLevi (the Katvan) - had another wife. According to גזע תרשישים, this was the daughter of Rabbi Shimon Katz of Rappaport, whose Geni profile I could not find.

I would be interested to hear other people's thoughts. Private User, you may be interested.

Private User
вчера в 5:31 после полудня

Thanks Private User I won't interfere with this directly since there are many managers and curators on these profiles who are more attuned to the situation than I. What I find interesting in view of your reference is the Rabbi Shimon Katz Rappaport, ABD Jaslowiec who has a daughter (name unknown) who married a Davd HaLevi with no mention of Katvan Wife of R' David HaLevi I do not know now whether Rebbetzin Beilah Babad is the granddaughter of Shakh or instead through her grandmother Rachel Schrentzel may be the 3x ggd of Yosef HaCohen Katz, She'erit Yosef If it is the latter then Rebbetzin Beila would be a HaCohen-Katz descendant but from another line (unconnected to Shakh). On my own tree I am going to go with your earlier source and make her the 3x ggd of She'erit Yosef rather than the gd of Shakh..

Private User
Сегодня в 12:06 после полудня

Private User

I think the earlier source actually suggests she is related to the Shach.

Private User
Сегодня в 12:13 после полудня

Private User I misunderstand you then. Would you please detail the connection under the earlier source between Rebettzin Beila and R' Shakh? I'm not seeing how you determined that the Rabbi Shimon Katz of Rappaport who is the father of the unknown mother of Rebbetzin Beila, is connected to R' Shakh. Thanks.

Private User
Сегодня в 12:54 после полудня

Private User

The connection that the earlier source suggests is what is on Geni: Beila is the Shach’s granddaughter

Shach-> Tova -> Beila

The source is here:

Private User
Сегодня в 2:58 после полудня

So גזע תרשישים says Shach>Tova>Beila and says 'unknown first wife'>Beila. Meanwhile גזע תרשישים also says that David Katvan had a second wife who was the daughter of R' Shimon Katz of Rappaport. Does this accurately summarize your understanding of the information you have presented? If this is correct, then it seems that what is on GENI corresponds to the older (i.e. closer to the events described) source and is therefore presumably more reliable. However, even if that is the truth of the matter, then it could be that Wife of R' David HaLevi is the other wife mentioned in גזע תרשישים and therefore these two profiles may refer to the same person: R' David HaLevi and Rabbi David HaLevi (the Katvan) - That would seem to be the only improvement to the GENI tree suggested by the combined meaning of the two pieces of evidence.

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