Lucia Knutsdotter Back (Westzynthius) - Problem with parents of Lucia

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Curator Private User has a note at the top of the About section that


Curator (Lars) note: Kan någon presentera bevis på att denna Lucias far skulle vara Canutus Henrici Westzynthius ? Kopplar loss Lucia tillsvidare.



I joined the Facebook group for the Sursill Family and found that this profile Lucia Knutsdotter Back is not recognized as a descendant of Erik Angerman when I submitted the line. Like many, I have a

It appears that someone has reattached Canutus Henrici Westzynthius and Lucia Hansdotter Fordell as her parents.

This is the information that I recevied from Anneli Kortisaari who works with the researchers for Genealotie Sursill and the Facebook group:

"Tiina Miettinen is a doctor of philosophy and a researcher at the University of Tampere. He has been researching the Sursill family for a long time. About 15 years ago, he accidentally found a Bure book in connection with another study, the book tells about the Sursill family. The Bure family is a prominent northern Swedish family that originated in the 16th century.
The Finnish Genealogical Society has also collected corrections and additions to the Sursill family for over 10 years.
There have been claims that Knut (Canutus) Westzynthius had not only 10 children but also an 11th child named Lucia.
No investigation or official document has been able to prove the existence of Lucia's daughter.
I myself have been researching the Sursill family for more than 20 years, and I too have not found a daughter named Lucia for Knut (Canutus) Westzynthius.
The information is therefore incorrect.
I know that Gen and MyHeritage have this incorrect information and are copying and spreading it.
It is sad to inform you that you have no connection to the Sursill family at least through that Lucia.
Whose daughter Lucia is then, I can't say."

I found another documented line for my direct connection to Erik Angeman. Perhaps parents need to be cut and Lucia needs to be MPd and this line needs to be cut and locked. I believe that the corrections we make on Geni fillter over to other platforms But this seems like it needs a discussion as it is noted on the profile as a problem.

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