family JASKULEWICZ, Ostrowo

Started by Petr Travnicek on Thursday, September 15, 2022
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my familyTree members

JASKULEWICZ Hermann + Fanny Held
his daughter Ernestine TIENE married to Eduard Trawnicek (Bau Glaser) living in Krotoszyn but born in Zahorany, Mnisek pod Brdy (Bohemia)
other Jaskulewicz.s are appearing in my search

Eduard Trawnicek + Tieny Jaskulewicz
wedding 26 Dec 1912 Ostrowo
living in Posen since 31 Dec 1912
15 June 1914 moved to Ludwigslust, Mecklenburg

kids of Hermann and Fanny Held
- Tiene (Ernestine) - Theresienstadt, Auschwitz
Getrud born 1913 in Posen or Ostrowo but i can find the record, Auschwitz
- Jakob mentioned as a victim of her marriage
- Abraham transoprted to Buchenwald and later to Dachau - shot by trying on the escape
- Martha mar. Cohen - Stutthof

BERLIN 1926 - Herman is on Prenzlauer Allee 53
1928 Eduard Trawnicek died in Berlin, Krankenhaus, algemine Enntkraeftigung - no idea what kind of reason (illness)
family left Ludwigslust to Berlin probably supported by family members
- Gerda born in Posen 1913 - but i did not find the record
- Gunter born in Ludwigslust 1915
Only Gunter survived serving in Czech army untill 1939, went to Palestine by SS Milos the second ship next to SS Patria.
read this amazing story:

the search is still in the process says Gertrude Trawnicek was born in Ostrowo.

there is POSEN record

no idea if the "Heimatschein nach seine Mutti" is exchange for her birth place ... and of course the testimonial page of her brother Gunter (Gershon) Travnicek (Assaabi) says Ostrowo
but ....

i was looking in Posen and Ostrowo and i did not find it

Ostrowo was in Posen. Posen is a town but also a province. Thanks for posting this story.

RE : Howard,
I don think that the police card for the town Posen would contain a record ... birth place : Posen as a county but ...


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