Heads of Jewish Households listed in History of the Jewish Community of Ostrowo, written in 1896 by Aaron Friemann.
Reproduced here in English translation.
The current city of Ostrów Wielkopolski, Poland, is here.
The synagogue building still stands today, and has been renovated and is used as a community center/performance space. It is located here.
Website of the current synagogue building, with histories of the Jews of Ostrow.
The Jewish cemetery was destroyed by the Germans.
The list is ONLY of households with membership in the Ostrowo Synagogue in 1896 . See the sidebar for Related Projects for a different but related project that is for ALL Jewish residents of the town over time. The 1896 roster is a snapshot in time-1896-whereas the Town project is unlimited in time.
Please only add profiles that are on this list, which are heads of families. Yes, I do recognize that this biases this project to men.
The 1896 Synagogue list is here:
Abbe, Isaak
Abbe, Samuel
Abbe, Selig
Bär, Adolf
Bergmann, Gabriel
Bergmann, Gerson
Bergmann, Joseph
Bergmann, Julius
Bialecki, Isidor
Bielski, Salo
Brandt, Abraham
Brandt, Hermann
Brandt, Salomon
Braun, Mannes
Callomon, Heimann
Callomon, Marcus
Callomon, Lazarus
Cohn, Tobias
Cohn, Abraham
Cohn, Benas
Cohn, Max
Cohn, Lazarus
Ehrlich, Mannes
Fränkel, Boas
Fränkel, Emmanuel
Fränkel, Fabian
Fränkel, Isaac
Fränkel, Louis
Friedländer, Elkan
Friedländer, Max
Friedländer, Jacob
Friedmann, Julius
Fuchs, Jacob
Gabriel, Philipp
Getschlig, Marcus
Glaser, Julius
Goldmann, Isidor
Goldstein, David
Grabowski, Leopold
Gross, Sinai
Haase, Elias
Haym, Jacob
Hartmann, Daniel
Hermann, Isidor
Herzfeld, Samuel
Hirsch, S. J.
Hirsch, Louis
Holzmann, Sinai
Holzmann, Louis
Hoppe, Daniel
Jacob, Pinkus
Jacobowitz, Emanuel
Jasculewicz, Hermann
Josephi, Salo
Imbach, Wolf
Imbach, Isidor
Imbach, Siegfried
Kaiser, Heimann
Kaliski, Moritz
Kaliski, Heimann
Karpe, Jacob
Katz, Salomon
Kraus, Salomon
Körpel, Isidor
Krauskopf, Jacob
Lachmann, Aron
Lamm, Heimann
Lamm, Mannheim
Landau, Elias
Landsberg, Dr.
Ledermann, Marcus
Lewkowicz, Wolf
Lissner, Isidor
Liebes, Hermann
Liebes, Carl
Littwitz, Julius
Mamlok, Salomon
Marcus, Efraim
Marcus, Siegismund
Markiewicz, Michel
Markiewicz, Salomon
Mendelsohn, Martin
Mendelsohn, Salomon
Michel, Aron
Michlowicz, Wilhelm
Moses, Julius
Moskiewicz, Salo
Moskiewicz, Salomon
Müller, Aron
Müller, Jacob
Müller, Marcus
Müller, Nathan
Nadel, Isaak
Nathan, Julius
Peiser, Gerson
Peiser, Elias
Pfeffermann, Amalie
Pick, Leopold
Pilz, Arnold
Pinkus, Max
Pinkus, Isidor
Pietrkowski, Louis
Pulverman, Mendel
Radt, Julius
Remak, Hermann
Rosenthal, Hermann
Rosenthal, Samuel
Rothstein, Max
Salzmann, Fabisch
Salzmann, Marcus
Schall, Hermann
Schall, Marcus
Schloss, Alexander
Schön, Carl
Seidel, Conrad
Seidel, David
Seidel, Ernestine
Seidel, Löbel
Seidel, Scheie
Seidenberg, David
Seidenberg, Samuel
Simon, Leopold
Skaller, Isidor
Skaller, Berel
Skaller, Moritz
Sommer, Ludwig
Spiro, Simon
Springer, Hermann
Starkmann, Baruch
Sternberg, Julius
Stillschweig, Jacob
Süssmann, Mendel
Teichmann, Max
Tisch, Hermann
Tisch, Julius
Tuch, Adolf
Tuchmann, Paul
Tworoger, Albert
Tworoger, Seelig
Unger, Eva
Voss, Isidor
Wegner, Baruch
Weiss, Benno
Weiss, Jonas
Weiss, Marcus
Weitzen, Leopold
Wiener, Meier
Wisch, Simon
Wolf, Paul
Zellner, Joseph
Zellner, Salomon
Zellner, Moritz
Ziegler, Hermann
Ziegler, Eugen