In the list of surnames listed chronologically, we can see James Cody and Elizabeth Cody were married around the same timeframe as Nancy, and a look at their records may provide more info.
Pleasant Colvert, whose surname also starts with the letter C, coincidentally listed among the various Cody family members. So again, may learn something from his marriage record.
"Tennessee, County Marriages, 1790-1950," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 28 July 2016), Hardeman > Marriage records, 1823-1879, vol 1-4 > image 122 of 1015; citing Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville and county clerk offices from various counties.
Other Ross family members listed among the records around the same time as this Andrew, are Alexander, Jacob, and Enoch. A look at their records may help determine whether or not this is the same Judge Andrew Ross who died in Oklahoma.
"Tennessee, County Marriages, 1790-1950," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 28 July 2016), Hardeman > Marriage records, 1823-1879, vol 1-4 > image 135 of 1015; citing Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville and county clerk offices from various counties.