Mardocheo Mordechai Franco - I am copying all the messages on this possible duplication over to this discussion.

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Сегодня в 8:08 до полудня

Tzahi Drori
Today at 5:16 AM
Hi all

Brooke, thank you for your input.

Mordechai's grandson was married to my cousin who is very interset to this information.

I updated the data mainly based on PoTs and additional information recorded by Stela Israel

According to her , parents of Mordechai are JOSEF and KADEN.

Still the names RAFAEL and ALLEGRA are repeated and multiply in each generation hint to past connections. Is it possible names are doubled (i.e. "JOSEF RAFAEL") ?

Very possible there are "extra" children under Mordechai and Rachel. Better have a source per each child.

Thank you and shana tova to all of us.

Brooke Schreier Ganz
Today at 12:46 AM
Hi there. There may be two or more men with the same name (Mordechai / Mardocheo / Marco, Franco / Franko) living in Rhodes at the same time. But the newly online 1939 census of the Jews of Rhodes, conducted by the fascist Italian government to comply with the 1938 Racial Laws, listed Mardocheo as still being alive in 1939 and married to Rachel Israel Franco, with their kids Giovanna and Allegra -- and whoever filled out that census listed his parents as Raffaele Franco and Allegra Danon Franco.

The transcribed entry is online at Ancestry, here:

The actual images of the 1939 census are at the US Holocaust Museum and Memorial (USHMM) and are not online, but I have not seen them.

Again, it could be possible that there are two men on Rhodes getting mixed up here.

- Brooke

Tzahi Drori
8/3/2022 at 7:45 AM
Managers of Mardocheo Mordechai Franco,

I am contacting you about this profile: Mardocheo Mordechai Franco

Please note double different pairs of parents. Source of one is based on PoT by granddaughter.

Can you specify other sources for definitions. Thanks

Tzahi Drori

Mardocheo Mordechai Franco

Сегодня в 9:20 до полудня

I beleive that at least some of the 1939 census is opened in Yad Vashem data base. Simply search the PoTs data base with "Franco" in "Rhodes". Still trying to figure out this data.

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