Marmaduke Daniel - Age of this Marmaduke

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    Geni Pro

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Сегодня в 11:17 до полудня


Has there to your knowledge been a study on the age of these Englishmen who married Cherokee women?

Fo example, in medieval Europe the first born son inherited the title and property so was likely to stay home, the younger sons then migrated to find better opportunity.

In this case, WikiTree says as a birthdate 1766, but in the bio says 1736, probably just a typo, BUT…

If Marmaduke were born in 1766 then he was young and hade his first child with Nannie Still at 21, but if the bio is correct and his birthdate is 1736, then he had his first child at 51, which might have been to old. If the medieval Europe logic holds, and he was the 4 th child of the 3rd American generation then I would lean towards his being younger, born closer to 1766.

Your thoughts?

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