Okay, I am seeking help here.The 1820 US Federal Census shows that Howell Edes had 1 male under 10 living with him. This would mean that his son John, born 1819 is there but then where is Thomas, born 1813? I have no actually documented sources from a secondary or primary source that officially connects Thomas Eads here to Howell Eades/Eads. We know from the 1840, 1850, 1860 and 1870 US Census records that Thomas listed his birth state as KY or Kentucky. We know his wife Chloe was from Kentucky as her family is very well documented in the Pulaski Co. area. We have her marriage to a Thomas Lynch but could that be Thomas Eads who was living with some of the Lynch's in the area? There is a Thomas Eades in Pulaski Co. in the 1820 US Census with a son the right age for this Thomas. Is that the right family?