Lucius Sergius Paullus, I - Sergius Paulus in the Bible?

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Сегодня в 10:26 после полудня

Interesting observation, and many thanks for it. It would be extremely cool if I could say SP was my 72-generation grampaw!! Here is another tidbit about SP:

John Mauck tells us, “One scholar notes that this Sergius Paulus ‘is quite feasibly’ the same Roman senator who held the important position of river commissioner in Rome a few years earlier (sometime between A.D. 41 and 47). (John W Mauck, Paul On Trial, Thomas Nelson Publ, p107. The scholar Mauck refers to is Alanna Nobs, “Cyprus,” in Rapske’s The Book of Acts in its First Century Setting, Vol 2: Graeco-Roman Setting, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 1994, p282-7)

I concur that Luke switches from Saul to Paul at this point, not only because Paul is going into Gentile territory and so it is of advantage to begin using his gentile name, but because he may be name-dropping to SP and those where he was headed, Psidian Antioch. SP had holdings in that location, so to likely recieve letters of introduction from SP to the folks back home would make the direction a no-brainer, picking low hanging fruit.

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Many Thanks,
Paul of Tacoma-!

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