Venjoki Slavanka marriages of 1904

Начала Annaliisa Abramova сегодня
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Сегодня в 5:42 до полудня


Does anyone have access to the Venjoki/Slawanka marriages of the year 1904?
1904- Syntyneet, vihityt ja kuolleet / Рождение, венчание, смерть - ЦГИА СПб. Фонд 2294 Опись 1 Дело 57

I recently got a quite close genetic match from My Heritage, (between 1,5-4,5% between several of my close family members) from a person we don't know.

We have been comparing our familytree-s and finally found one potential break-trough with the right family name, but we don't have anything beside the name of the person and the marriage date.

I am interested in the entry of a marriage that took place in 29.03.1904 between Adam Peterinpoika Juronen (from Iso-Kolppana, Kolppana, Inkeri)
and Maria Jänis (from Slavanka).

I am hoping to find more info about the bride Maria Jänis (her father sname, village she is from, birthdate, anything beside the name, so we could place her within our family tree.).

Сегодня в 6:04 до полудня

1.4.1904, запись 13, Adam Joronen, Maria Jänis // страница 42 об, карандашом дописано: "Св[идетельство] 17/II 62"

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