John Martin, of Old Rappahannock County - mtDNA match

Started by Suzan Martin on Wednesday, April 12, 2023
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The difference of mtDNA full sequencetesting, my maternal and paternal cross several times. I pick up paternal and maternal matches,

Suzan Martin

Henry Victor Martin, II
your father

Henry Victor Martin, I
his father

William Lafayette Martin
his father

Hamilton Beecher Martin, Pvt, CSA
his father

James Martin
his father

Joseph Martin
his father

William Martin, MD
his father

William Martin
his father

Capt. Henry Martin, Sr.
his father

John Martin, of Old Rappahannock County
his father

Jacob Måttsson Mårten
his father

Brita Mårtensdotter Höök
his sister

Matts Andersson Silvonen
her son

Pehr Mattsson Silvonen
his son

Matti Pietarinpoika Silvonen
his son

Iisakki Matinpoika Silvonen
his son

Yrjö Iisakinpoika Silvonen
his son

Maria Yrjöntytär Silvonen
his daughter

Maria Tuomaantytär Silvonen
her daughter

Juho Tuomaanpoika Silvonen
her son

Juho Juhonpoika Puumala
his son

Toivo Juhonpoika Puumala
his son

<private> Puumala
his son

Anne Puumala my 11th cousin from Finland
his daughter

Suzan, I'm confused by this. Who took the mtDNA test that reveals this Dutch/Finnish data for your/our Martins? Certainly your own mtDNA test would not reveal this. Please help me understand this information. Thanks.

Kenneth W Williams
Co-administrator of the R-YP658 Haplogroup project at FTDNA

Ken it's her research notes. Your mito line ends at Sarah McConnell
Suzan Martin 's mito line ends with Margaret Heald
This is NOT "the mtDNA test that reveals this Dutch/Finnish data for your/our Martins"

Mitochondria is from the egg and so it stops when you have a male and the mito for his children is that of his wife/the mother of his children

But what is she actually saying here? That her Martin line - which is my Martin YDNA line too - intersects with her mtDNA line? If so, that's incredibly interesting.

What jolted me, however, was her connection of John Martin of "Old Rappahannock County" to Dutch-Finnish roots. There were rumors online that he might have been "Dutch," a vague term that could include the Netherlands or Germany, but I've never seen YDNA proof of that.

The two "oldest" matches that ties the Group 8 Martins together are two men from the Netherlands. So the common ancestor for the entire R-YP658 Haplogroup (Group 8) was born about 900 AD, per FTDNA's Group Time Tree.

If Suzan has solved the mystery for John Martin of "Old Rappahannock County," then this news needs to be shared widely.

John Martin, of Old Rappahannock County is my 9th great grandfather.
Suzan Martin is John Martin, of Old Rappahannock County's 8th great granddaughter.

Ken is John Martin, of Old Rappahannock County's 6th great granddaughter's husband's first cousin thrice removed.
No blood relationship was found.
You probably haven't added or connected your Martin yet?

Suzan of course will speak for herself but I thought I would try to help--
the relationship path she is showing is this:
Jacob Måttsson Mårten his father → Brita Mårtensdotter Höök his sister Brita Mårtensdotter Höök

Looking at the relationship paths we take can be extremely helpful.
John Martin is in this project at Geni:

Suzan Martin should join that one as a collaborator, I think!

I am the other co-administrator of the R-YP658 Haplogroup project (which includes R-BY27212). I also see no evidence here of any DNA connections of any kind, but my curiosity is certainly piqued! Looking forward to the details...

Amazing work everyone. This is what many Martin researchers have been looking for.
Baptism book NH church, copy of Hollestelle
Source:baptism, marriage and burial registerType of registration:baptismal certificate(Deed) date: 22-02-1631Location: Scherpenisse
witness 1 mason

Johannes Maerten
born in Scherpenisse
Maerten Jacobzen
Neelke Jans
Francois N.
Francijnke Marinus
Johan Brandijn

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