Ida Katarina (Grönbacka) Rosenvall - Correction from an Internet user

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I work for Geni and we were contacted by a person on the Internet who's NOT a Geni user, with the following corrections for your consideration. Let me know if you would like any assistance with this (maybe this merge needs to be undone? ):

There is misleading information concerning IDA KATARINA ROSENVALL (GRÖNBACKA). She is BORN 14.6.1854 in Sastmola Lammela and she HAS NO CONNECTION to FABRIN-family.

11.6.1854 in Satmola Öfverby IS BORN Ida Katharina Fabrin, dead 28.4.1868 in Pori and buried 6.5.1868 in Sastmola. She belongs to our Fabrin-family.

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